- CHAPTER 32 -

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"So everybody this is Maddie and Maddie this is everybody you'll be working with. That's Millie, Finn, Noah, Louis And Y/n. " Richard introduces.  "Hi guys!! It's an honour to be working with big names like yours. " Maddie smiles sweetly. "Sure!! Very honoured. " Y/n taunts unknowingly. Louis elbows her, then throws a hand over her shoulder. "She meant to say. We all feel the same." Louis says looking at Y/n, then Maddie.

"It's just a workshop today to get to know each other better. We have a reservation for you guys at Grand Imperial at 19:30 hours. So enjoy yourselves. The bill will be taken care of." Richard smiles at the six of them. "I'm gonna need a lot of booze if I'm dealing with her." Y/n whispers to Louis.  "I'll make sure of it." Louis says smiling at her. 

"We should get going guys. It's like already 6." Millie suggests. "Sure let's go." Noah seconds her plan. "I need to use the bathroom first." Y/n announces. "Me too." Maddie follows. Y/n looks back at Louis, mouthing a please come with me. "i'm not coming in the girls bathroom with ya'll are you crazy, woman." Louis whispers. Y/N and Maddie both go into the bathroom. Y/n dreading every part of the bathroom talk with her nemesis. 

"You don't have to pretend to be nice to me." Maddie says wiping her liner with a tissue. "What?" Y/n turns. "I know you don't like me." Maddie says standing tall. "Oh god.... thats a relief i don't have to pretend aww. thank you for ending my misery." Y/n sighs. "Thats rude, why don't you like me ? what did i do to you?" Maddie asks. "What did you do to me? girl lets not open that door." Y/n says trying to leave. 

"You will tell me now or i'm leaving the show." Maddie threatens. Y/n closes the bathroom door and thinks for a second. "And that has to affect me how?" Y/n asks confusion showing on her face. "You'll see." Maddie says shoving her way out. Y/n scoffs before leaving the bathroom. 

Y/n left the bathroom behind her. Noah, Finn and Maddie went in Millie's car while Louis opted for Y/n's car. She told him every thing that happened in the bathroom. "Y/n are you serious? That's not good. You can get in trouble. If she uses your name to quit, they'll make you apologize her and get her back. I don't think that's what you want." Louis turns towards her.

"Louis I'm not telling her. That's such a petty reason hold on to a grudge. But I'm gonna hold on to the grudge even if I have to go to hell for it. I'm someone who holds grudges. Unless the person if my friend like Olivia." Y/n explains. "Look I'm not going to say much but I think just tell her, ok? " Louis says squeezing her shoulder.

"You wanna go to that park? Before we join the other? Just to clear our minds? " Y/n asks. "Sure why not?" Louis smiles before unbuckling his seat belt. "Between you and me. I love coming to the park. It's peaceful. I mean there is noise but it's peaceful noise. Children playing,  their moms calling them out. The trees rustling, leaves crunching. It's nice being here. Take my pictures. " She hands him her phone.


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Liked by louispartridge, oliviarodrigo, harryholland64 and 45,378,900 others

Y/nholland03_  Listen to the world around. It has many secrets to tell you.

Tagged : louispartridge_


Louispartridge_  My Ginger 💗

Oliviarodrigo  listening 👂....

Daisygram  found meself a Ginny Weasley.

User name  She's Ginger you guys!!!

Ameliaparkerholland  are you a princess ma'am??


Liked by y/nholland03_ , milliebobbybrown, issiepartridge and 7,345,678 others

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Liked by y/nholland03_ , milliebobbybrown, issiepartridge and 7,345,678 others

Louispartridge_  the guy in black 😏

Tagged : y/nholland03_


Y/nholland03  My Brunette 💗

Milliebobbybrown  and here I was thinking where you guys were lost at??

Louistheking  the way these two commented under each other's post. 

Finnwolfhard  hurry up to the restaurant🍴


Louis and y/n return to the restaurant. Laughing and teasing eachother over something, y/n takes a seat opposite Maddie, while Louis sits next to her. After ordering their food and drinks. The group talks about the show. "Maddie by the way. I hate you like with every inch of my soul. You wanted to know the reason right? Remember The book to Henry? I was casted as Catherine before you even auditioned. You came in and I was thrown out. It made me so insecure, so fucking insecure I didn't audition for years. Tommy made me audition for the Marvel movie. So long story short. I'm never gonna like you. So you can stay on the show, but don't expect me to be friendly, cause I hold grudges till I die. I still haven't forgiven Shanaya Parekh for taking what was mine and that was just a chocolate. This we are talking is my debut role. " Y/n smirks.

"I understand... I got the part cause my mom asked the director to give me. I'm sorry and I don't expect you to forgive me that's a valid reason." Maddie says. "That was intense. " Noah breaks the silence. "So..... Here's to Sunshine." Finn raises his glass. "To Sunshine.. " Everybody cheers.

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