I Will Do That Again.....

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Radev came one night to our house so scared. We were preparing to go to bed when we heard the door.
             Ella, the war is tomorrow, he said still catching his breathe, maybe he was running.
              Really, this fast. Are you sure Radev, Saul said.
              I was still working when Jazsel appeared to me. She told me to warn Ella that by tomorrow she will be dead.
              So she's already ready, said Saul. Ella, stay here, I will fight her alone. I don't want you to get hurt, commanded Saul.
                Where you go, I go and this is not your war alone, I shouted. 
I called Clara because she too wanted to be part of this war. And one more thing, I needed my black flower.
We hurried to get prepared for the war. I was panicking really badly. I had never gone for war and I didn't know what to do when you know you might die. The warriors trained and trained, Clara and I were being trained by Saul. When we got tired, we rested a little bit till I was being called by the devil.
My heart skipped, I was going to meet him alone without Saul. Was it a punishment?. I took a breathe before entering his room.
             Are you scared of me, were the first words I heard when I entered.
             Scared?, shouldn't I be scared, I asked questionly.
             I thought you would need my advice about how to defeat your opponent, he with no feelings.
            Can't you just end the war, do anything because you know all this is wrong.
              Let me tell you something, this devil's dell fancy name for hell. And in hell we fight to protect ourselves not to agree,do you hear me daughter in law.
             OK what's your advice father in law, speaking like the way he spoke.
               What a brave woman you are, he said amazed. No one has ever spoken to me that way. Come, come to me.
I was scared because the more I approached him, the more I felt weak and strange.
               I wanted to give you something magical, something powerful and you won't need to eat the black apple nor wear a black flower on your hair, he said catching my heart place.
             I felt strange like I was consuming some of his powers and I felt strong, powerful.
              Are the going for war with that cloth, you need to look like a princess warrior because you are. 
              What's happening to me, I wisphered.
               Ella, you are now a demon, he said in hoarse voice.
I was shocked, I don't know how I felt when I heard his words. Me, a demon. Wasn't it a good idea now?.
                 Now, I want you think of what a princess should wear when heading for war,he said commanding.
I tried to doubt that it wouldn't work but I insisted on trying. I thought of his words and when I opened my eyes, I was wearing a long, heavy black dress.
               Now, you can leave, he said harshly like am the one who wanted to come in the first place. He's so cold.
I hurried to the room but as I approached, I wasn't hearing anything. Everything was so quiet. No one was in the room, Saul, Clara and the rest, no one was in the room.
Oh my God, this is all Saul's doings, I understood. To disappear and stop me from fighting. He hasn't guessed it yet. I thought of the place where there were and boom, I was in a huge field. I saw Saul s talking to Radev. They hadn't started the war, I was just in time. I approached Saul really mad at him.
           Ella, how did you reach here, he said as he noticed me approaching him.
            Don't Ella me, I know you never wanted me to fight but sorry am here and am going to fight.
             Your so hard to deal with, I thought my dad was going to lock you some where till the war ends but he too doesn't listen to me.
             And your proudly saying that in my face. Thanks to your father am now a demon like you.
             Your what... And before Saul could finish his words, Jazsel appeared with her army, only demons I could see.
             In position men, shouted Saul as he looked back at me.
             I love you Ella and I promise you that I will protect you, he said kissing me and then he wisphered in my ear, I love your outfit.
           We are in serious situation guys, interrupted Clara. Let's keep the romance when we save our butts.
           Clara, am still worried about you, I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you, I said hugging her.
            Stop that, am a fighter and we better get in position, smiled Clara.
We stood all in position with Saul and I infront all set to either lose or win but I don't like being a loser.

We all waited for Saul to give us a signal to attack then came the moment.
           All in position, wait, wait and then attack, shouted Saul.
We all ran to face our death. They started fighting but I was searching for that woman Jazsel. I started fighting with the demons, they were really powerful and I saw how most of my people were being killed. I searched for Saul and there he was fighting with all he got, my hero. Then someone cut my back with a sword. I looked behind to see who was that, Jazsel. It really hurt me but I still got my sword and tried to fight her.
               I didn't want you to die this way in war but your stupidity brought you here so bare, she said.
             I defeated you once and am pretty sure I will do that again, I said with confidence.
She attacked me and almost killed me but almost doesn't kill a bird. I too attacked her and cut her on the hand. She was furious, when she was tired of using her sword she threw it down. I threw mine down too. I think it was time to use powers.
              I won't all you to sent me there, said a furious Jazsel.
             I didn't mean to send you there, it was just a mistake b how did you get o so quickly, I said.
             Ha, you think it was easy to seduce p there so that they can he me out. I had to have sex with five men just to come and revenge.
              What a sad story but I have no time to cry for your virginity, I said mocking.
 She ran towards full of rage, she pushed me backwards really hard and came running again, she caught me by the neck and strangled me. I wasn't breathing, I tried to free myself from her but nothing was happening. Saul came from behind and cut her head. I fell to the ground with a headless body. Was she really dead just like that?. Was the war over and we won?,i thought as I looked around seeing all Jazsel's people dead. I hugged Saul really tight because at least we were going to live in peace without thinking about this war ever again. I saw Clara too, hugging Radev. Am glad they were also alive.

I went to thank the devil for his powers and everything but he never seemed to be happy or sad just cold. Maybe really the devil has no feelings at all.

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