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Pit was the first to make it out. "Well we're in the underworld, that's for sure." Pit said plainly. "Well how do we get out?" Dark Pit asked. "Uhh, we, uhh go that way." Pit sounded unsure as he spoke, but Dark Pit followed. As they travelled through the underworld, they had to lay low. Pit was not able to communicate with Palutena because his laurel crown had been taken away. The entire time they walked through the underworld, Dark Pit felt like he was being watched. Near an exit, something jumped from the fire. It was none other than Pandora. "Ah I see that you managed to get out, too bad Skyworld is in ruins." She taunted. Pit was worried, almost everyone he knew  was there. Are any of them okay? "We killed some, tortured others, it was quite fun." Pandora taunted once more. Pit finally had enough. He charged a Pandora, with no weapon. It did not work. Meanwhile, Dark Pit was leaving through the portal, but he couldn't. There was something stopping him from abandoning Pit, something pulling him back. He grabbed onto Pit, dragging him out. When they got out, they were in Skyworld, but it was destroyed. Pit looked around, clearly distraught. "No, no." He whispered. No one was there, everything was in ruin, some buildings were still on fire. Pit fell to his knees and started crying. Dark Pit didn't really know what to do, so he just kinda, left. Pit was truly alone, nobody there to console him. He walked towards Palutena temple, or what was left of it. He walked in, nobody in sight. There was one thing on the ground, a broken laurel crown. Pit realized it was his. He picked it up, it had been snapped in 2. Pit wandered around Skyworld a little more, looking at his friend's house, the barracks, and some other places. He didn't know what to do, who to turn to. He realized that there was only 1 thing to do, and 1 thing to turn to.
Dark Pit's P.O.V
Finally, I'm at home, or what's left of it. Why couldn't I leave Pit behind? Never mind. I need to go to sleep. Oh yeah, they destroyed my bed. Looks like I'm sleeping on the floor. Hmm? I think I hear knocking at the doo- it's Pit. "I need your help." "With what?" "I WILL avenge Skyworld." Seeems that he's gone a little mad. "Fine. What do you want me to do anyways?" I asked him. "Help me kill Pandora." Pit replied. Well I like the sound of that. "We'll come in and we can discuss." I told him, "There barely anything to come into." Ouch, that one hurt. He walked in to (what was left of) Dark Pit's home. " okay, we need to infiltrate the underworld, and we need to make a plan, problem is we might not remember it, and I can't read." Pit stated. "I doubt that we'll forget out plan." I told him. "What if we do? What are we gonna do then, huh?" Pit practically screamed in my face. "Fine, we can record audio, or something." I finally said.

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