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Pit's P.O.V
I will have my revenge.
Pandora will die.
I will avenge Skyworld.

Those were the words I uttered to my self as I fell asleep. We have been traveling for a week now, and I'm sorta, just sorta, developing feelings for Dark Pit. I'll just ignore them for now though, I can't be distracted from my mission to avenge Skyworld, and everyone who used to live in it. Everyone I knew from Skyworld is dead. All my angel friends, the centurions, even Palutena. All because of Pandora. Anyways, It's pretty late, Dark Pit already passed out, I should go to sleep.
The next morning
What a beautiful morning. Hey, where Dark Pit? "Pitoo, Pitoo, where are you?" I called out. I should check around. He might have left early, or something. Okay, I need to know where he is. He is on the ground, half a mile from out camp, passed out.
"Wake. The. Fuck. Up." I said coldly. He slowly started to get up. "What? Where am I? Why am I not on camp?" He sounded confused. "Just get up." I told him. He slowly started to follow me, as we went back to camp. "Why was I not on camp?" Dark Pit asked me. "How the hell would I know?" I asked him back. I mean, how do you walk half a mile away from where you were sleeping? Just doesn't make sense. We were trying to get to Pandora, and when we do get there, I will slaughter her. "So riddle me this Pitoo, you go to sleep on camp, and wake up half a mile away." I said, "That's not a riddle." He replied. "You are such a dumbass." I told him. "Okay Mr. I Can't Read." He retorted. "You can't read either." I replied.
Dark Pit's P.O.V
That stupid Pit. Always being such a smartass, always being mad, always being cute, alwa- wut.
I don't think he's cute. I can't. Just don't think about that. Focus on the mission, to kill Pandora. Pit  is no longer 'Look at me, I'm dumb', he's gone a little mad ever since Palutena died. I mean, he's been through a lot. I almost feel bad for him. Too bad that I don't. Now, back to the matter at hand. Pit is currently giving me a lecture on how we are going to infiltrate The Underworld. "We must go through the portal, then make our way through their territory, killing troops as we go. Then, we find where Pandora is, kill her, and we will be victorious. Any questions?" I raised my hand. "Yes." He said. "Your plan is incredibly vague, has a lot of things that could get us killed. Also, what will we do when we have killed Pandora?" I said. "Shut up." Pit replied.

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