Chapter 27: Pepperup

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The news about Cassie's lycanthropy died down slowly but surely. The whole week, people talked about that and about Josette Rosier's departure, which most students were thrilled about. During class, no one would dare mention the w-word but in the hallways, Cassie picked it up a few times.

It wasn't bad though. Students were very understanding of the situation and over the course of the week, McGonagall had received many letters from parents and caretakers again. However, this time it was good news. Apparently, the students had been writing to them, begging to let them and Cassie stay, and trying to change their minds on her case.

It was working because most of the letters contained apologies and statements saying that their children will continue their education at Hogwarts as long as it's safe. McGonagall had been right all along, it was going to be okay.

Though Cassie could have used a morning off to grade assignments and to catch up on some much-needed rest, she had promised Nina another private lesson. So, she was once again on her way to the Potions classroom in the dungeons, a book clutched in her arms.

It was fairly quiet in the hallways. She only encountered a few people who were most likely on their way to the library, their bags filled with books and notes they had taken during the year. The last few months of school were the busiest.

Nina was already waiting for her by the door, smiling politely. Cassie greeted her before opening the door and letting her in. She put her book on her desk and waited for Nina to get her stuff from her bag.

"Have you finished the assignment on the Pepperup Potion?" Cassie asked. Nina nodded and handed over a piece of parchment. "Very well. Let's work on brewing it today then," she nodded and placed it on her desk. They each took a cauldron and Cassie grabbed the supplies from the cupboard.

"Professor Green?" Nina asked. Cassie nodded. "May I ask when you figured out that you wanted to become a potioneer? Or a Potions Professor?" Cassie smiled a little.

"Every since I was little. My father is a potioneer. My mother, she's a Muggle, she's a scientist, it's a bit similar in some ways, just without magic. I've always liked it and well, now it comes in handy too," she explained. "I've been wanting to become a professor since my first year here. What about you? What sparked your interest in potions?"

"Oh, I've always liked the class and well..." she hesitated for a moment. "I don't think anyone is working on it yet but I would like to work on a potion to help trans people like me with their transition."

"That's fantastic, Nina," Cassie said. "I think that is a great ambition to have. After we've worked on this potion, we could look into it if you'd like that. You can show me what you've already got figured out." Nina beamed with joy.

"Yes! That would be fantastic," she said happily. "Thank you, Professor Green." Cassie nodded at her and started to chop up some ingredients while Nina followed her lead. They worked in silence for a moment, Cassie only spoke to give Nina some instructions. It was a nice kind of quiet though.

They were both very focused on the potion and with good reason; the Pepperup Potion was a healing potion, it was important to brew it exactly right. Nina's potion was nearly perfect but Cassie suggested she add just one more pinch of mandrake root.

"So now it's good?" Nina asked, filling a vial with the potion. Cassie checked it out and then nodded.

"It's perfect. Good job. Well done. Healing potions are important to brew perfectly, but very hard to," Cassie said, grabbing a few more vials. "If you will please fill these up, we can bring them to Madam Pomfrey."

Nina did as she said and started filling up more vials with the potion. Cassie quickly assessed two assignments while Nina did so, trying to make sure that she wasn't getting behind on things. Between classes and working out the details for her plan for the werewolf registry, she had very little time to rest and she couldn't help but yawn.

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