Chapter 2: Professor Green

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Cassie wore a pair of navy blue pants, a white blouse and over that her navy blue cloak. Her hair was braided and pinned to the back of her head. She had even put in her gold earrings and one layer of lipgloss. The first day of teaching had begun and she felt more ready than ever.

She didn't have to worry about the full moon for another three weeks and she was well prepared. The sound of her heels echoed through the empty corridor as she walked towards the Great Hall for a bite of breakfast. There were already a few students sitting at the long tables, attacking the toast, eggs, sausages, beans and other food that was spread out before them.

Flitwick waved at her as she neared the table and she waved back, smiling. He was incredibly proud of her and she knew it all too well. He genuinely was a great Head of House, she admired his teaching ways a lot. She took place next to him and grabbed herself a slice of toast, hash browns and eggs.

"Ready for the first class, Cassie?" Flitwick asked her, holding a cup of tea in his hands. She nodded and cut a piece off her toast.

"I am, Prof- Filius," she corrected herself quickly but the grin on his face told her that he had noticed it. "I'm starting with the Third Year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws this morning as well as a Fourth Year class with Ravenclaw and Slytherin and in the afternoon I teach a N.E.W.T. class and after that, I have a double class with the Second Year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors."

"It sounds like you have busy Mondays," he stated. She nodded and swallowed her bite before answering.

"It's not the worst day. On Tuesdays and Wednesday, I'm teaching from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon. Six classes! But having only three classes on Friday makes up for it!" she said. Her schedule was busy but she would be able to manage just fine. She was used to a busy schedule.

"Oh dear, I have that on Friday and Tuesday," he tutted, shaking his head. "I should ask Minerva about a possible second Charms Professor like Pomona has." She nodded.

"Yes, if it's becoming too much to teach it all alone then you could always ask," she told him. She was sure he wouldn't do it but still, if he wanted to he could, apparently.

A familiar scent caught her nose. She had finally come to terms with these wolf-ish features. She was able to see in the dark, smell things from miles afar, hear more clearly than ever and well, her appetite was huge. She looked up at the entrance and saw Neville enter.

He looked nervous. He was dressed in brown corduroy pants with a nice, patterned jumper along with a blazer that matched with his pants. His heartbeat was racing and she was sure that even Flitwick and the other Professors around her could also smell his cologne all the way from the entrance. She couldn't blame him, she had been like this on the first day too.

He sat down next to her and greeted her kindly. His voice was trembling so he cleared his throat. "Goodmorning, Neville. Or well, Professor Longbottom from today on, eh?" she greeted him, smiling kindly. She hoped her teasing would lift his mood but his heart only started to beat faster.

"Yeah," he stuttered. "Professor..." He looked down at his plate but didn't start eating. Cassie put some more eggs and sausages on her plate and ate them hungrily. Neville tapped his fingers on his knee, much to her annoyance but she couldn't blame him.

"Neville," she said, placing her hand on his gently. He looked at her, his eyes going wide. His heartbeat slowed down slightly but not enough for it to be back to normal yet. "It's going to be okay, you know? You're a great lad, always were the best at Herbology. People love you. You've got a fantastic reputation, no need to worry." He nodded slowly and turned to his plate again, swallowing hard.

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