Chapter 4

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"So, are we going to talking about the fact that Vinnie got laid last night?" Josh teases me. Blake chuckles and Jack sighs. "About time. I don't even remember the last time you got with a girl" Jack says seriously. "Yeah I know. Living the single life. But, uhm, definitely going to take her on a date. She's attractive" They looked stunned when I said that. "Serious?" Blake asks. I nod as an answer. "But hey, don't tell her about... us. You know what I mean" Jordan warns me. "Yeah, why would I tell her about us?"


"Madison, I have a date" I smile at her. "Finally. It's about damn time. You've been living the single life for a while" she returns the smile. "Anyways, help me get ready. I've got a date with him at 7pm" She nods and we immediately get to work.
"And done. Girl you look attra as hell" Madison tells me as she finishes my makeup. "Really?" "Yes, now, go get that man" immediately after saying that, there was a knock on the door. Madison shoos me to go open and as soon as I do, I'm met with Vinnie in a black suit, looking handsome. "Hey" He smiles at me. "Hi" I smile back. "These are for you" He hands me a bouquet of roses. "Thank you" I thank him and put the flowers in a vase. As I step out of the house, I close the door and hold Vinnie's hand. "You look absolutely gorgeous" I blush at his complement. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself" I complement him bad. "I got style love" he grins as I laugh. He opens the door like a gentleman for me to get in. I do and buckle my seatbelt as he gets in the car.
"And I was like 'what? Why would you do that?' And then my father goes and tells me 'I only did that to my safety'" He laughs as I'm telling the story. "And then what happen?" He asked intrigued on the story. "Well, I got fired" "Oh no..." He smiles. Never noticed how cute it is when he smiles. Then, his phone starts beeping. He looks at the called ID and grabs it. Looks like it's an important call. "Uh-" "you can take it" I tell him. "Sorry Alexandra" He says as he stands up to take the call.


Vinnie: "what the fuck do you want?"
Josh: "I just called to say that we did the job but the fucker doesn't want to give the money back"
Vinnie: "fuck. I'm on a fucking date. Solve it"
Josh: "okay Vinnie"

I press decline and walk back to the table where Alexandra was patiently waiting for me. "Sorry that I had to take the call" I apologize again as I sat down. "It's okay. Seriously" She smiles. God really gave me a perfect woman. "Going back to our date..."
"Well today was perfect Vinnie" She smiles as we walk at the park. "It really was-" my phone starts beeping again. "For fucks sake" I whispered, grabbing my phone again to answer another call. "I'm sorry Alexa-" "it's okay. Go take the call" I nod and walked a bit away from her.


The conversation seemed heated. He was almost yelling at the phone and he looked angry and frustrated. He then, brutally puts his phone in his pocket and walked towards me. "I have to cut this date short. I'm sorry Alexandra" He apologizes but the look in his eyes tell me he trully is and wants to at least, spend more time with me. "It's okay Vinnie. But, I hope we can have another date when you're more... free" I slightly smile at him. "Yeah, next time I'll make sure to be completely free" He nods to his own statement. "C'mon, I'll take you home"


Words: 652

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