Chapter 10

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April 10, 2020

I walk downstairs, Vinnie following behind after a few minutes of just hugging. "Alright guys, we got a job to do" Vinnie starts. "A job? But weren't we going to go to the pizzaria?" Jaden asks, slightly confused. "We will but, we'll have to do a job" Vinnie confirms.

In Vinnie's office

"Okay, what's the job?" Jordan says, hands on the table. "We'll try to find who kidnapped Madison. According to Blake's theory, Matthew and whoever is Madison's kidnapper are working together. So, plan is: we will steal any files with our names on. This is how we will do it. Josh, you'll be our eyes. Make sure to kill whoever is against us if they get too close to the area we are at. The point in this is to kill the least people possible. Jack and Jordan you'll play disguise. You'll pretend to be part of Matthew's team. Jaden, you'll be in charge of the security. Turn every single camera off. We'll also have to pass through some fingerprint scanner or hand scanner so, I'll also need you to shut that off. Blake, I know you like to be the driver because you sometimes feel guilty for killing people, but, I need you to help Josh but also be the driver. Madison and Lex, you two have an important job. I'll be distracting Matthew and his idiot team, you two will go into Matthew's room and search for any information that regards either Madison, Alexandra or any of us. I'm distraction. Got the plan?" They all nod. "Questions?" They nod 'no'. "Let's go then"

At Matthew's place....

"Going over the plan one last time, Josh, what are you?" Vinnie asks him. "I'm the eyes. To kill anyone that gets too close to us but also, not kill many people" Josh answers. "Jordan and Jack, what are you?" Vinnie asks them both. "We'll be disguise. We'll blend in with Matthew's gang" Jack answers and Jordan nods along. "Blake, what will you do?" Vinnie asks him. "I'll be the driver but also help Josh" He answers. "Jaden, what are you?" Vinnie asks him. "I'm the computer guy. To shut down all cameras and fingerprints and or hand scanners" Jaden answers. "Madison and Lex, you're job?" Vinnie turns to us. "Find information about us" Madison answers. "Good. And I'll be distraction. Get into position" Vinnie orders and me, him, Madison, Josh, Jack and Jordan all walk out of the car, holding guns close to our chest, ready to shoot anyone.

"Guys, I'm going to go. Jack, cover me" Josh whispers and both him and Jack go away from the group. "C'mon guys" Vinnie urges for us to move faster. I'm quite nervous since this is the first time holding a gun and doing an extremely dangerous job. I mean, at least in my opinion. "Madison and Lex, look, see that window?" Jordan points to a window where there was three men in, one having a conversation with the other two. "That's Matthew's office. Listen carefully to the earpiece, Jaden will tell you where to go. Alright?" He explains. Me and Madison nod. We continue jogging towards the house until Vinnie stops. "I'll go in. Jordan, pretend you found me around here" Vinnie orders. Jordan nods. "Lex and Madison, wait until Jaden's signal" Vinnie informs us. "Josh in position" We hear in the earpiece. "Jack in position" "Jordan in position" "Vincent in position" "Madison in position" "Alexandra in position"


Jordan grabs my arm and drags me to Matthew's house. The doors open and men already point their guns at us. "Hey, calm down guys. It's me, Carl" Jordan says. "Oh yeah we know. We are pointing at him" One of the men said. "I found him walking around around, destroying our plantations" Jordan comes up with a lie. "We'll call-" "Vincent!" Matthew exclaims 'happily'. "Glad to see you here" He smiles as he comes closer to us, signaling for Jordan to drag me forward. "Thought he killed me?" Matthew says, almost as if he's drunk. "I knew he didn't kill you" I spit at him, he punches me in the face. "Spit at me again and I'll tell Carl here to kill you" Matthew said threatening. "I'm not scared of death" I whisper to him.


"Madison and Lex, you have 8 minutes to find the information and to leave" Jaden warn us in the earpiece. Me and Madison desperately looking for any information on us until, I come up to a file. A very interesting file. I quickly grab it and put it in my bag and keep searching for any files with my, Madison or any of the boy's names. "Alexandra, I found it" I turn to look at her. "Nice, now, let's get out of here" I smile at her. We run out the office and leave the house, running towards the car. We hear a man falling down to realise, it was Josh who killed him. I look at him and nod. We continue running until more men seem to die around us. We enter the car in safety and sigh in success. "Josh, Jack, Jordan, Vinnie, get out of there now" Jaden tells them. I notice Jack, Jordan and Vinnie shooting at Matthew's men. "Motherfucker!" Matthew yells. I notice Josh also shooting at the men. As soon as they enter the car, Blake drives away. "Another successful mission" Jaden chuckles and we smile at him.

At Vinnie's mansion....

"Give me the file" Jaden turns to Madison as she gives us the file. He looks through it and gasps. "Guys, they were planning to kill Madison and Alexandra. There is information here that, not even we know. It's almost like, they, stalked you. Not for days but, for months, years almost" Jaden informs us. "What the fuck?" Vinnie exclaims. "Gosh I have so many questions" Blake sighs. As all this is happening, I just keep my mouth shut, thinking about that file that I took. "Alexandra, they have been stalking us, are you not concerned?" Madison snaps me out of my trance. "Huh, what?" I say, confused. "Lex, what were you think about?" Jordan asks. "Nothing" "you're lying" Josh exclaims. "Alexandra, what are you thinking about?" Vinnie asks sternly. I decide to tell them. "That file wasn't the only one that was taken" I start. "You took other files? Lex, we could be fucked. Stealing a file is dangerous now two? It's worse" Jack reminds me. "Listen, it'll interest Vinnie more" I take the file out and hand it to him. "I look at it, there are photos. And they are recent" I explained.


This can't be real. No, this can't be happening.


Words: 1123

A/n: this is a real long chapter. Hehehehe.

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