Chapter 24

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"Lex, Vin, come to mine and Josh's room. Blake has something to say but don't tell anyone" Madison says as she opened the door to our room. Me and Vinnie stood up and followed her to her shared room with Josh. "What's wrong guys?" I'm the first to ask. "Okay so I was walking past to go to my room and I heard Josh and Madison talking about a mole in our group. The suspects are either me, Jack, Jordan or Jaden but that's the thing, it's either Jordan or Jaden" Blake starts. "Woah, that's a big accusation. Don't ya think Blake?" Vinnie says as he sat down on the bed and me sitting right next to him. "Yes I do realize that but look, the more time that passes, the more I realize that Lexi is right. Listen, Jack is the first to be crossed out because he's too fucking innocent. I know that's not enough info to make someone not a suspect but listen, I've heard Jaden and Jordan argue multiple times. And there was this one time where Jordan slipped out that there was a mole and that mole is Jaden. I mean, with this whole situation, it does make sense" Blake explained. "Yeah, but wouldn't Jordan be the mole since he was the one who knew that Matthew and his men would attack?" I ask him, trying to prove a point. "Yes but here's the thing, Jordan kept staring at Jaden, looking at him very suspiciously and then, boom. Matthew's men attack us" Blake explains. "Okay, so how are we going to know if Jordan or Jaden are the moles?" I ask the group. "I don't know but, we'll figure ou-" Josh starts but I interrupt him. "Wait, I agree. Jaden is the mole. It makes sense. I mean, Jaden is the one that is our security guy meaning, he turns off cameras, install news one and all. That's why all the times we as a group tried to catch Matthew, it never worked but when me and Madison went by ourselves without informing none of you, we succeeded. So the mole must be Jaden. Now it makes sense" I confirm Blake's theory.

"It does make sense" Vinnie mumbles. "I'm sorry Vin" Blake mutters, all of us looking at Vinnie's face. Upset expression that his friend would betray him so much. "We need to make sure that Jaden is the mole. It would be weird if we just kicked him out and it comes out that he did nothing wrong. That it was just a random thought that was proven wrong" Vinnie explains. Everyone here notices that he's really down. He trusted Jaden like no one else. Especially with privacy and security. Two things that a human needs and when they're violated, it would give them the right to be extremely upset. That's out of respect.

Vinnie gets up and leaves the room, me following him quickly behind. "Babe..." I call for him. "Baby..." I say more softly. He still doesn't respond. "Vinnie..." He sits down on the bed, back facing towards me. I close and lock the door. "Vinnie... we'll try to prove that we're wrong but you also need to prepare in case we're right..." I start the convo but he obviously pretends to not listen. "Vinnie, I'm sorry if things don't go the way you'd want them to. But it's also okay if not. Maybe it's just the universe telling you that he was never your true friend because true friends would never betray each other. Hurt each other. And if Jaden really did, he was never your friend. But, on the bright side, you've got me, Josh, Madison, Jack, Alex, Michael, Bryce, Blake, Tayler and Kio. You've got us all..." I speak softly to him, coming closer to him. "I promise you that everything will be alright. Okay?" I whisper in his ear as I hug him from behind. I feel drops of water on my arm and come to the conclusion that he's crying.

He turns around and hugs me, crying on my shoulder. I just hold him there, not even knowing how it feels to be possibly betrayed by your own friends. Thank goodness I have a loyal friend or at least hope I do. "Do you think he really betrayed us?" Vinnie asks me, while looking at my eyes. I make a soft expression, thinking of the correct words to use. "I don't know Vinnie. I hope not" I mumble to him and he nods, wiping his tears. "C'mon, let's sleep baby. Tonight was..." I sigh. "big" I finish the sentence. He lays down and so do I, laying my head on his chest.

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