Chapter 7

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April 10, 2020
6:30 am

I wake up to my alarm beeping. Must be time to wake up to go to school. "Alexandra, wake up" I hear Madison say in a baby. "Madison..." I mumble on my pillow. "C'mon, we need to go to school. Get ready" Madison ordered me. "Hmn" I mutter, sitting up straight on the bed. I walk to my closet and grab ripped jeans and a black top. I brushed my hair and teeth and washed my face, apply a light makeup. Just some concealer, mascara, lip gloss and blush. I put on my adidas shoes and grab my bag, walking down stairs. "Hey, just in time. We're going to eat breakfast at a cafe and then I'll take you to school" Vinnie says as I walk down the stairs. I nod to his statement and walk to the car. Vinnie gets in and drives towards the cafe. We get in and I see Jaden, Jack, Jordan, Josh, Blake and Madison already there. "Morning" Jordan mumbles as I sit next to him. "Morning" I muttered back. We eat in a uncomfortable silence until "How long are we going to stay here?" Madison asks. Vinnie's head rose and he answer "as long as I think you need to stay here". "But like, isn't the person they want is Lex?... no offense" Madison states. "None taken" I gave her a small smile. "Hey look, the second that Vinnie got with Lex was the second that she got into this mess. Now, the real deal is why did they kidnap you when Lex was the one getting involved with Vinnie" Jaden comments. "I don't know either. This is just so weird and off. Almost like a distraction" Jack mentions. "Oh my Lord" Blake says. "What is it?" Jordan asks. "What Jack said. About Madison's kidnapping being a distraction. It is!" Blake exclaimed. "Blake, explain that better because, I believe we're not on the same page here" Vinnie remarked. "Guys and girls listen. Whoever kidnapped Madison knew that once we get her, the question of 'who kidnapped Madison?' would be a question we wanted answered. So, they obviously will use the time that we are wasting trying to find out who did it to plan their next attack. Madison was never the target. Madison was a distraction from the real target" Blake explained his theory. "Yeah but, like, if you are right, then, why was Alexandra also kidnapped?" Josh questions. "That's where Alexandra comes in. She's the girl that Vinnie is talking to. We all know that the rivals will do anything to hurt us. So, they obviously knew that kidnapping Alexandra would make Vinnie mad. But, let's not forget that they were kidnapped on the same day, meaning, the people that kidnapped Madison are working with the people that kidnapped Alexandra. Which means..." "Matthew did it" Vinnie finishes Blake's sentence. "Exactly. Matthew kidnapped Alexandra so we can save her only for us to find out that Madison got kidapped and while we were trying to figure who kidnapped Madison they were planning their next attack on us. The real target is and always will be Vinnie" Blake finishes his theory. "Wait but, wouldn't that make Alexandra also a distraction?" Jaden asked. "Yes, Madison and Alexandra were distractions. But they needed more time so.... they hired someone else or are working with someone else to kidnap Madison and for us to try and figure them out which is buying them more time" Blake says. "Oh my God Blake, you are a genius" Jack smiles. "No Jack, you are the genius, I just put the pieces together" Blake says as he pats his friend's back. "Okay, we need to wait for their next attack so we'll be able to fight back twice stronger"


"Boys, gather around, we'll need to talk about Matthew" I told them as we were inside my office. "But didn't Josh kill Matthew?" Jaden quizzes, slightly confused. "No, I didn't miss my shot. I just didn't aim" Josh responds. "Well, that was a mistake" Jordan mutters. "It wasn't Jordan. Let's not forget that fucker has my money and drugs. And we gave him more money. So, we'll need to get a bigger army and steal our 35 million and 150k back including our drugs that are worth 560k" I tell them. "I think I have an idea"


Words: 734

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