Chapter 21

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April 26, 2020

I realize that he'll probably not say those three words. He looks... lost. "I-" as he was about to say something, Josh opens the door. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation but, we need you in the lab" He says quickly. "Oh, okay. C'mon Lexi" Vinnie mumbles. I wipe my tears and stand up, following Vinnie and Josh.

At the lab...

As we enter the lab, I see a brunette. I quickly change into my hard persona. "Who the fuck are you and what do you want?" Vinnie asks, me right behind him. "Hey Vinnie. My name is Jessica and I'm Matthew's sister. I think I've probably caused a problem here and I apologize" She says. I look slightly confused as to what she meant. "What problem?" Vinnie questions. "I heard that there was someone that was accused of cheating. The gray shirt and pink shorts were mine an-" "yeah right" I mumble, getting slightly pissed off the way she's talking and looking at my man. "Sorry" She mutters as she looks at me. I nod but ask "what do you want?". "I want to help" Tayler scoffs. "Last time we let someone in, they betrayed us" Jaden informs her. "I swear. Look, my brother and I had a fight about him hurting you and your friends and I said it wasn't necessary. Matthew had horrendous plans and I didn't know where this rage came from. So, I told him that I was going to leave because, I felt guilty helping him in these evil plans. As I was leaving, my dad was going to shoot me but my mom defended me, shooting my dad. I slipped in his blood and that's why there's blood on my shirt and shorts. I ran away and I noticed this house, no one was here so, I stayed. Then, I heard people coming so I hid under the bed, totally forgetting about the clothes" she explains. "Alright then, what are his plans?" I question her, coming in front of Vinnie. "His plans are to get revenge. He wants to kill Vinnie and the whole team slowly and painfully" She says. "Revenge? Revenge for what?" I quiz her again. "He likes you Alexandra. My brother loves you. He wants to kill Vinnie for stealing you" I'm slightly taken aback by the sudden confession.

"Vinnie isn't the target. You are" I look at her in disbelief and shock. "But I don't even know who the fuck your brother is. I mean, I don't know him personally" I tell her. "I know you don't but, he has been stalking you since you were 14" I feel myself frown and feel disgusted by the situation. "Stalker..." I mumble. I turn to face Vinnie and he looks at me with an apologetic look. "Look, trust me, he wants to kill Vinnie to be able to have you" Jessica says. I sigh and look at her. "Okay then, you need to tell us all of his plans so we can be a step ahead and also, tells us what he'd do if his stupid plans didn't work out. He must have a plan b" I order her. "Okay" she nods.

3 hours later...

I sigh after listening to Matthew's evil plans. "Okay then, what do we do Vinnie?" Tayler asked. "I'm not in charge anymore. Lexi's in charge" He looks at me and smiles. "Okay then, we will make a plan. Does your family know that you are here?" I question her. "No" She mutters. I nod. "Okay, so, we will attack at night. The point of this attack is to be silent. Me and Vinnie go first, you all behind. Then, we'll divide ourselves. Half of the team, comes with me and the other half goes with Vinnie. The ones with me, we will try to find Matthew and his family while the other half, will kill all of Matthew's men. My team is..." I look around and choose "Jack, Alex, Jessica, Tayler, Bryce and Blake. Vinnie's team is Kio, Michael, Jaden, Jordan, Josh and Madison. We good?" I ask them after telling the plan. They nod. "Okay, we leave at 9pm"


As we are eating dinner, Jessica says she needs to use the bathroom and I take the opportunity and tell them. "Guys, Jessica had a microphone stuck on her shirt. The real plan is, same teams, different things. There's a house down the road that, at night looks like Matthew's house. We'll go in there and pretend to do the plan but Vinnie and your team will plant a bomb on the basement so the house will blow up" I whisper to them. They nod and we go back to normal, Jessica joining us a couple of minutes after.


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A/n: it has been a long time since I posted a chapter so, here's another (short) chapter.

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