||Chapter 13|| - Dull -

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A/N: Hello everybody! Lol I called this chapter dull 😌 AND I JUST GOT A FREAKING CANDY CRUSH AD AND IT WOULDNT LET ME EDIT MY STORY IT WAS TOO LONG FOR MY PATIENCE. Sorry for not updating I've been busy but here's chapter 13 :)

The dream bothered Illyanna all day.

She estimated she was dreaming for about 4 hours even though it didn't seem like it.

The rest of the day Illyanna just sat in her bed, with Minho across from her, sound asleep.

The dream kept itching at her head.

What was it about? She figured she must have been over exaggerating because it was just a dream but it felt so familiar. Nothing had felt familiar since she came up to the maze until now. It was all so confusing.

Another thought kept bouncing back up at her.

Who on earth had pushed her and Minho back into the maze. Somebody had actually pushed them back.

And that somebody was out there in the glade. How could she trust people?

In the end she gave into her thoughts and slept.

The next day she woke up with the sun peaking through the window.

Finally it was time to leave this dreadful place.

Then she heard footsteps coming up the stairs to the homestead.

A person opened the door and two people walked in.

It was Harriet and Newt.

"Come to get me out?" A big smile spread across Illyannas face

"Mhm," Harriet said walking over

Newt stood with his arms crossed, still standing at the door. He looked irritated.

Harriet was sitting at the bed next to Illyanna now.

"What's up with him?" Illyanna whispered to Harriet so quietly she didn't even think she had heard her.

"We told him about you and Minho being pushed in the maze and-" Harriet was speaking so quietly she lost the end of the sentence "he's been like this all day, he doesn't like it, the thought of a glader trying to harm another glader. And the thing is we don't even know who it is. It could be anybody."

Illyanna thought she heard that right. But Harriet was right, if Illyanna had been here for 3 years and one of her closest friends could be breaking rules, she'd be bothered too.

Illyanna nodded at Harriet, trying to look understanding so she knew Illyanna had heard her.

"So the meeting is still on but you've gotta convince the gladers that somebody pushed you in the maze," Newt walked over so he was standing behind Harriet "The gladers wont take this lightly and I don't think all of them will believe you,"

"Some might even want you banished," Harriet said

"Banished?" Illyanna was horrified. Being banished from the glade?

"Mhm. If they think your lying and trying to frame somebody."

"You don't think I-" Illyanna hoped they believed her

"Oh no no. Just wait until Minho wakes up. Then they'll believe him." Harriet smiled

"Yeah we need to hold a meeting though because some of the gladers are mad. You did interfere with Minho and Atticus by getting them from the maze but since you saved them it doesn't really bother me but we can't have people thinking that's ok. Good that?" Newt explained

"Good that," Illyanna repeated

Illyanna knew she did interfere with Minho and Atticus but it was for a good cause.

Then she heard a banging sound coming from the wall next to her followed with screaming.

"Well, somebody's awake," sighed Newt

Harriet shook her head and left the room.

Then there was muffled voices and the screaming started to die down until it was completely quiet.

More muffled voices came from the room that Illyanna couldn't make out.

Who was this person that was just screaming seconds ago?

Then it hit her.


Of course how could she be so dumb.

He got stung and Illyanna had completely forgot, it even started to make her feel bad.

He must've been ill like Minho next to her and had to rest.

Illyanna knew there was something off about those screams. They were more like wails, escaping with no way to hold them in. Crazed but sympathetic.


Illyanna had to check with Newt "That's- thats Atticus, right?"

"Yeah, poor soul." Newt looked down "Hopefully, he'll get better nice and quick and will be out there running again."

Harriet walked into the room.

"Gave him some sedatives to calm him. Calm him down. It horrible seeing him like that."

Again Illyannas head started aching. Like something was banging against it.

"Did the medjacks ask for them and they came up in the box?" Newt asked Harriet

"Yup. Said they asked 'cause of they're job, creators must've thought that was okay and I sure as hell do too."

Illyanna pressed her hand against her head.

"Illy?" Newt turned his head

"You alright there?" Harriet sounded concerned

"Oh yeah it's just my head 'cause you know I hit it. I'm surprised it's still sore but I'm sure it'll be okay by tomorrow." Illyanna was finding it harder to believe she'd hit her head. She knew she'd been through a lot that night in the maze but she knew she had no memory of hitting her head.

Newt checked a watch on his wrist.

A watch? They had watches?

"Where'd you get that?" Illyanna looked at Harriet and she had an identical one placed on her wrist too.

"Asked the creators for it. But it's only for runners and people in command" Newt said

Another reason to become a runner. It'd be amazing to know the time of day.

"Maybe you should ask for something next month when the box comes up," Said Harriet

"Will do," Illyanna smiled "Well is it time for me to go?"

Harriet checked her watch "Oh sorry looks like you've got 10 more minutes,"

"Oh what a shame our conversation has came to an end, I guess we must leave now, Harriet." Newt laughed

"Oh yes we must go," Harriet teased

"Seriously, guys?" Illyanna rolled her eyes and laughed

"Well are you coming then?" Harriet nudged her head at the door

Then they all headed out the door, back into the scorching sun.


A/N: AHAHAHAHAHAGAAGGAAGAG I wrote "scorching sun" lol get it? Anyways I really hope that made sense (apologies for spelling or grammar) if not just ask me what you didn't understand and my greatest apologies for not posting as much as usual this took forever I don't even know why I wrote like a sentence a day and I was gonna finish it last night but then I got really tired and fell asleep when writing. Yeah it's not really long but another step closer to the end (which isn't until a while lol) ok thanks for reading and as always I love you all!❤️

The Fools Tear - A Maze Runner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now