Chapter 16 - Worried Wings

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And so Illyanna waited. Impatiently.

She picked at some weeds and twigs, bored out of her mind.

She tried not to focus on the meeting but it wasn't easy.

The before calm wind began to pick up speed, harshly battering her face.

She groaned, putting her forearm to her head as a pathetic attempt to stop the wind ripping at her face. It was no use. She gave into nature and let the powerful wind blow her hair everywhere.

"As if this day couldn't get any worse," She said to herself rolling her eyes.

And there it was. About 2 people trotting to the meeting building. Then another 2. Then a group of 4. Then some more. This was it. Illyanna had to do all she could. She really didn't want to leave the glade. If she wanted her life back this is what it counted on. Illyanna took a breath. Then began walking to the building.

She reached the door and hesitated before opening it. She wrapped her hand around the wooden knob and lightly pushed it open.

In the room about 10-12 boys sat in a circle in chairs but one was empty.

'Please don't tell me I have to sit there' I said to myself in my head

I scanned the room and when my eyes landed on Newt he spoke up.

"Come on in" He said "Take a seat" and he pointed to the empty chair

I moved from the threshold and sat on the seat that nobody was seated in.

I sat there waiting for some sort of command.

Harriet spoke up. "Now. I'm sure your all currently familiar with this situation but I'd like to go over it for those of you that aren't clear. Good that?" And everyone nodded at her, paying close attention. "So, a couple of days ago we had an incident in the maze. Atticus was out running and unfortunately got stung by a griever. Then Minho decided to go in and save him. When Minho got a hold of Atticus he was stung and needed to be brought back to the glade to get the serum. Obviously this would be difficult and time consuming so there would be a high chance if not making it back to the glade. When Minho and Atticus were about to get to safety in the glade the doors began to shut and it became almost impossible to get out of the maze before the doors met. When almost making it, but obviously not, seconds before the doors closed our friend Illyanna here-" Harriet gestured to me and I gave a sarcastic smile to the audience  "Decided to pull Minho and Atticus to safety by entering the maze. She was successful in saving them but then somebody, we don't know who, pushed Illyanna back into the maze , sending Minho in aswell. So that's what we'll be debating today. What's happening to Illyanna." Harriet looked finished and everybody sat in silence for a second being swallowed by their thoughts and taking in the unexpected news.

Then a boy blurted out "what about Minho? He went in the maze to get Atticus and he's not being interviewed."

Illyanna never thought of it that way

People started to blurt out into chatter like kids in an assembly.

"Yeah Minho broke a rule too!"

"Yeah we should be treated equally!"

"Where even is Minho?"

"Can we interview Minho too?"

"SHUT IT" Sonya said from her chair, Illyanna didn't notice her until now. "Are you guys really gonna try banish the keeper of the runners? Huh, Greg your the keeper of the sloppers, don't know why your acting so strong. Plus Minho knows the maze, he does know the rules. He's seen grievers. Yes he broke a rule and that can go unpunished but we're not banishing him for gods sake. Anybody still wanna banish Minho from the glade?"

There was a silence.

"Thought so."

"Thanks Sonya" a voice from the corner said.

Everybody turned their head to see a pretty healthy looking Minho. He still hand a few cuts a Bruises but he was looking fine.
Illyanna was surprised she didn't notice him and so was the rest of the room.

Sonya gave a wink to Minho and gave Alby a look that said it was okay to start.

"Right" Alby said looking at Newt while everybody was startled out of their shock "So all the keepers are here and we're holding a meeting due to Illyannas actions in the maze. Everybody will get to say their opinion on this situation and we'll see what happens."

"So it's like a Debate?" Illyanna asked

"Yeah I guess" Harriet answered

"No questions Illyanna, Okay? Wait until the end for that."

Illyanna nodded. She needed to get used to this anyways. She quickly looked around the room just to see if anybody was there that she'd missed. There was Zart, Jeff but no Cliff, Gally, Harriet, Sonya, Alby, Newt, Minho, Winston, a guy called Frypan, and a bunch of others that she didn't know the names of. Before Illyanna wanted to check who was there for a second time Alby wanted to start the meeting and she wanted to listen. No she needed to listen.

Alby said he'd start clockwise with peoples opinions around the circle and the closest person next to him was a Zart. Zart looked at me, his expression unreadable.

"Well...." The boy paused and looked around potentially for some kind of reassurance but it didn't look like he received any. "I definitely don't think Illyanna should be 'banished' from the maze."

Illyanna let out a mouthful of air she didn't realise she was holding.

At least somebody still had sanity here.

Some Boys nodded heads at Zart and others shook them. One even tried to but in but Harriet stared him dead.

"Anything to add?.." Harriet asked, dragging the word 'add' into the distance.

Zart shook his head "Nope it's klunk banishing a glader for saving someone."

Yes I get that's fair.

Alby moved onto Gally.

Gally looked like he's prepared his statement and was waiting his whole life for it. "Illyanna broke a rule. And as we know how things work in the glade if a glader breaks a rule they get punished, simple. We just need to know how far people are going to take this punishment and to find out what's necessary. I do think she should get punished but nothing extreme. We can let breaking rules look like you can get away with it. It's a bad influence on the other gladers. We don't want them all thinking it's okay to break rules and get away with it. So I say we punish her and don't banish her. Even thank her for saving Minho and Atticus."

Gally looked finished and Illyanna thought his statement fair.

Just what would her punishment be?

A/N: hello all! And if your reading this I love u and u are loved <3 I've updated! TA-DA! I'm struggling a bit with life you know so it's hard to update but I'll probably continue even if it's one every month. I hope that's okay with you all :) sorry abt spelling AGAIN. Its so late and I've got school tomorrow. I do hope ur enjoying this story. Any thoughts please comment them! I'd be over the moon to hear them! I hope you are all okay and enjoyed this chapter. I love you my readers ❤️

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