Chapter 1

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Andy's Pov

I dodged the punching bag as it swung back and forth after I kicked it. Punching it hard with my right fist as it came back. I let out a frustrated grunt as I brought my left elbow to it as it swung to my left side. Thoughts that I have been trying to keep at the farthest part of my mind have been clawing their way to the surface for the past week.

I've done my hardest to push them back during the day, but I can't control what happens at night. When asleep, my dreams reflect each memory of what has happened to me or... what could've happened if things had taken a different turn.

Red clouds my vision as I began a violent attack on the punching bag. Frustrated grunts, pants, and screams escaped from me as I hit it with punches that could break through walls. When the thought of him and his face pops into my mind for the second time today, I roundhouse kick the bag. The chain that held the punching bag snapped, sending the bag flying to hit the concrete wall behind it.

"Damn Andy. That's the fifth bag you've broke in the past three days."

Turning my head to the left, I stared at the other four bags that laid along the mirror, ripped with stuffing out or the chain that held them broke off. Closing my eyes, I sighed trying to calm myself down before turning back with a smile on my face.

"Elio come on. You know I need this, especially since I'm driving back to Riverdale tomorrow morning." I walked over to the bench, sitting down as I drank water from my bottle.

Elio stood in the middle of the gym that's attached to his penthouse, wearing basketball shorts and no shirt, revealing his prominent abs and v-line, sweat dripped down him as we both were working out.

Ever since I left Riverdale, Elio's been here for me, through the good and the bad. When I had nightmares from when Malachi and the Ghoulies attacked me and I woke up screaming bloody murder, with sweat dripping down my face and neck, Elio was there for me to let me know that it was just a dream... that I was okay with him, safe even. When he found me in the bathroom or my bedroom, just simply crying, he soothed me, holding me as he let me cry onto his shoulder.

He of all people know that I dread going back to Riverdale to face everything that I fled from.

Being in New York again, makes me feel free and that's something that I haven't felt in years. I'm not forced to keep my mouth shut, worried about looking behind my back at all times, or even forced by my family to be something I'm not. I'm just simply being me for once.

New York has given me the life that I've missed, but at the same time, it doesn't feel complete. Physically and materially, I have everything that I want in this city, but mentally and emotionally, it's not enough for me.

The sad part is, I know why I feel this way, but there's nothing I can do about it. My father has shattered my heart, ripped it out, stomped on it, and left it to burn. No matter how happy I am here in New York, I just can't get him out of my god damn mind and I'm beyond tired of it. It doesn't matter the time or place, he just simply is always on my mind. He plagues my mind night and day.

Elio sighed as he sat next to me and he put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side, "I know Andy, truly I do, but you are literally the most strongest girl I know. If anyone can face that fucked up town, it can and I know it will be you. For fucks sake, your a Lodge. You can do anything you put your mind to. Show that town how you're not gonna take anyone's shit anymore. That over summer you have turned into that bitch. The Andy that I lo- love as my best friend."

I chuckled, "You are honestly one of the most cheesiest guys I know." I leaned my head into the crook of his neck, "I'm really going to miss you Elio."

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