Chapter 21

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Sweet Pea: I'm outside

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Sweet Pea: I'm outside

I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure that I looked good before I left my room. 

"Where are you going young lady?"

I jumped slightly into the door, accidentally hitting my forehead against the wooden door at the sound of my father's voice. Taking a deep breath in, I faced my father who leaned against his office door frame with his hands in his suit pants. "I'm going out with a friend," I stared into his eyes, convinced that he can hear the sound of my heart pounding a mile a minute. 

He nodded his head slowly as he looked at the window down the hall, "Sweet Pea presumably. I heard you guys are back together."

My face paled as I felt my blood run cold, "So what if we are?"

My father's eyes softened, "Then I want you to be happy. If he makes you happy, then who am I to get in the way. I know that you will never truly forgive me for the role I played on Riot Night, and even I can't find it in myself to forgive me, but mija, I mean it when I say that all I want for you is to be happy and loved by someone that gives you the world. I'm hoping by me condoning this relationship, can lead the two of us on the right path to forgiveness. Sweet Pea most definitely wouldn't be my first pick, or any of my picks for you, but I saw how much you truly cared for that boy. However, that's not why I'm letting you pursue after this relationship. It's because of Sweet Pea. In that hospital room, right after he walked out on you and you screamed for him, I saw him cry for you. For my daughter. What broke my heart as a father was hearing him say he loved you too while crying because of something I did."

My dad walked up to me, and grabbed my hands, pulling them to his mouth to kiss them, "Andriette if Sweet Pea is what you want right now. Then I give you my word that I will not ever be a wedge in your guys' relationship again."

I gave him a soft smile, "I won't be able to forgive you daddy. I don't think I ever will.... but I'm more than just grateful for what you are letting Sweet Pea stay in my life."

He let go of my hands and took a step back, "Go on. Don't want to keep him waiting."

- - - - 

I couldn't help but smile all the way down the elevator and through the lobby. Why? Because my father may be many things, but one thing that I have notice in my life is that he always keeps his word. However, there are times that he twists the meanings of his promises, which is something that I have to keep in mind, but I can't find it in myself to dwell on this tiny little aspect. I mean him promising to keep his nosy ass out of my relationship is the least he can do after the fact that he almost had me killed. 

Will I ever fully forgive my father for what he's done to me? No. I'd be clinically insane to forgive him. Even I know that. 

I would've still been with Sweet Pea behind his back, even without his blessing, but having his blessing will take a massive weight off my shoulders because of the fact that I can just live in the moment with my boyfriend. I can fully be present without the constant fear that my father could do something horrendous again. 

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