Chapter 4

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I rode my bike all the way to the trailer park and immediately as I rode up, I regretted my decision to come here all together. When I got off my back, slowly I walked up to see a massive crowd. Turns out, when the Serpents lost against the Ghoulies on Riot Night, we also lost our territory so we had to retreat here, a smaller gathering place. Seems that that night, everyone in this town lost something.

When I neared the crowd, I stopped and instantly froze. This place, Riverdale, no matter how strong I think I am, has this power to bring up all of my nerves and anxiety.

The more I think about it, I'm not scared to go over there to that crowd, it's more of me being scared to see Sweet Pea.

"Well look who we found boys!"

A voice called out from behind me. I smiled as I knew who that voice belonged to. I turned around slowly with a smile as I crossed my arms and leaned on my leg.

"It's good to see you too, Fangs."

My eyes went wide for a second when I noticed who he was with.... Jughead and the one and only,

Sweet Pea.

Jug let out a small laugh, "Thank god

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Jug let out a small laugh, "Thank god. I was beginning to go crazy with being in charge alone."

"Well, you don't have to be the Serpent King all alone now. The Queen is here," I said proudly with my hand on my hips.

Sweet Pea hadn't dared to look at me yet, he stood there next to Jughed, quiet with his usual scowl on his face. He stared at everything around, but at me with his arms crossed.

"And not a minute too soon," Jughead walked up to hug me, "We got problems already so I'm hoping that you're all rested up and ready to go. It might get messy around here again with Archie's case."

He turned to Fangs as we all walked in sync, "I need you to find the Ghoulies new lair. If you see them. I don't want you to engage with them. This is just a recon mission, and we can't be risking another gang war."

"Damn. Well that went straight to business already," I mumbled.

I heard a scoff coming from the tall guy next to Jughead, making me roll my eyes as we all continued our stride. I walked in between Jug and Fangs and I guess Fangs must have heard the tall Serpent because he peered down at me with eyes that said 'sorry about him' to which I just shrugged.

I can't let him see that he gets to me. He doesn't deserve a reaction from me.

Jughead sighed, "I just need a confirmation that whatever Hiram's up to, has nothing to do with the Serpents or Riverdale High." The beanie head boy glanced at me with sorrow and hesitant to continue the bash against my own blood.

"My father will always have a plan for us Jughead," I said as my anger boiled, "He hates Serpents and will do anything to get rid of them and deep down, you know that Jug. We have to be ready for anything."

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