Chapter seventeen

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Sam's disguise had to go through one final test, school. So far his disguise had fouled many experienced hunters, and Dean was able to pass Sam on as his cousin. He had to make up some back story about an aunt and uncle he didn't have. But it was better than his original idea telling everyone he found Sam in the woods.

"You ready to go, buddy?" Dean asked as he placed Sam's backpack in the impala. The young angel was both nervous and excited, in his hands he clutched Hope. Dean had quickly learned that Sam would take the toy moose anywhere, he found it kinda cute. Plus Sam being at school would give him some time to catch a hunt. He hadn't been on one in days and he was getting restless.
"Yes but what if the other kids don't like me?" Sam asked. Dean and his close friends had learned the hard way that Sam was incredibly sensitive.

One wrong word or move could conceive the kid that the person hated him.
"Everything will be okay Sam I promise, " Dean said to him and he buckled Sam into his seat in the back. "Do you remember the rules?" Dean asked.
"I can't take off my glasses, I can't take off my jacket, and I have to keep my abilities secret, " Sam answered. Yesterday he had accidentally broken a bunch of glass items in the bunker when he got overly excited.
"That's right kid, " Dean answered giving Sam's hair an affectionate ruffle.

He drove Sam to the elementary school, and after filling out all the papers for him. Sam was placed in a first-grade class, he became very upset when he learned Dean couldn't stay. However, the teacher assured Dean who was beginning to think that maybe this was a bad idea. That Sam would be perfectly fine.
"Is that your Dad?" A girl his age asked once he sat down next to her. Sam was surprised that she came up to him because no one else seemed to want to. Besides the teacher, but he figured out quickly it was because it was her job.

"No, but I'm staying with him, " Sam answered.
"Well he acts like my Dad when I come to school, I'm Jessica what's your name?" She asked smiling brightly.
"I'm called Sam, " he answered and suddenly didn't feel as lonely anymore. The two quickly became fast friends and were the few students in the class eager to learn. However, because Sam was so bright, something the teacher praised him constantly for. It drew the attention of the school bully, Dirk. He was a year older than Sam and cornered the young kid during recess.

"Hey what's with those glasses? Can you not see without them?" Dirk mocked.
"Stop it, " Sam said trying to hold back tears.
"Aww look he's going to cry, like a little baby, what a cry baby, " Dirk taunted. The cruel words only hurt Sam's feelings more. However, just then two other boys stepped in and pushed Dirk in the mud.
"Maybe you should pick on someone your own size, " they both said. Dirk ran off completely disgusted by all the mud on his clothes.
"Thank you, " Sam said as the two boys helped him stand up.

"No problem, I could never stand bullies I'm Brady and this is my brother Barry, " Brady answered. Sam was a bit confused by that, the two looked nothing unlike. Brady had blonde hair and gray eyes, while Barry had black hair, glasses, and brown eyes.
"We're adopted, " Barry answered as if he was reading Sam's thoughts.
"Oh, I didn't realize that, I'm Sam by the way, " Sam said to them.
"We know, our friend Jessica told us about you, " Brady answered. "The three of us are kind of a trio, do you wanna play with us?" He asked.
"Yes, " Sam answered immediately.

Dean managed to catch a case of a possible werewolf, but it turned out to just be a way for Castiel to talk to him.
"Cass that wasn't cool, " Dean said annoyed once he realized what his angel friend had done.
"I apologize Dean, but you hadn't spoken to me in days, I thought this was the only way to get your attention, " Castiel answered. He felt horrible about tricking his friend like this, but he couldn't let Dean out of sight for long.
"Look I know I haven't been in touch lately, I've been held up, " Dean answered.

He wasn't sure if should tell Castiel about Sam, he would probably assume the kid was the devil reborn. Though in fairness Dean thought at first as well, now he didn't think that way.
"Held up with exactly?" Castiel asked. Dean sighed heavily knowing that he couldn't keep his secret from the angels forever.
"If I show you something, can you promise not to tell another soul?" Dean asked instead of answering.
"My orders are to keep an eye on you, " Castiel answered.

"I know and I love the man upstairs for looking out for me, but he can't know what about to show you, at least not yet, " Dean responded.
"Dean it seems you're asking me to disobey," Castiel said and this hurt him.
"Cass no I'm just asking you to trust me, " Dean answered. "Look I have total faith in you, so just this once I'm asking you to have faith in me, " he continued.
"Okay, Dean but if something goes wrong, I must tell the archangels, " Castiel answered and Dean understood. He would say the same thing if the stakes were reversed.

Dean took Castiel back to the bunker with him and explained the situation. How he had found a young angel in the woods. Castile scolded him for not telling him, but Dean told him that the angel didn't seem dangerous in the slightest. Castiel refused to cast his judgment until he saw the angel himself. Dean wasn't comfortable with that but he knew he had to do it. So when he picked Sam up, Castiel appeared in the back seat of the impala to observe him.
"Who is that?" Sam asked completely shocked.
"Sam this is Castiel, he's an angel like you, " Dean answered.

Castiel was speechless the young cherub resembled Samuel almost perfectly. He could see past Sam's disguise and see the small wings. It was astonishing that the wings were visible, angels had to keep their wings invisible to avoid hurting humans. But Sam's wings didn't harm Dean in the slightest. His grace was very powerful, it was similar to an archangel's level of power. But he didn't feel dangerous, he had no memories of his real identity or how he came to be. Castiel wondered if this was what the demons had been attempting, creating their own angel to use as a spy. Or worse they were attempting to revive Lucifer.

"Do I know you?" Sam asked much to the older angel's surprise.
"No I don't think so, " Castiel answered.
"You seem very familiar to me, " Sam responded like it was no big deal. "So you're an angel like me?" He asked.
"Yes I am, " Castiel answered. Sam continued to question Castiel all the way home, and Dean was only slightly annoyed by it.
"I like you Castiel, you seem nice, " Sam said to him and then occupied himself by playing with Hope.

Castiel watched him play with the small toy and a hundred questions went through his brain. This angel looked like Sam, talked like him, yet he had the power of an archangel. Was it possible that the spell to bring back Lucifer, brought back Samuel instead? He couldn't be sure so he left without saying anything wanting to discuss his questions with his father and the archangels.
"Father there is an urgent matter and I must speak with you immediately, " Castiel said.
"I am here to listen, my son, what is it?" God asked.
"It concerns the angel Samuel, " Castiel answered.

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