Chapter twenty one

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All of the angels and demons felt the unfamiliar surge of power made by Sam. For the demons, it was pure pleasure as they knew their king still had some of his powers. For the angels, it was frightening because the amount of power felt close to the dark presence they all thought was gone. Lucifer the devil himself was once an angel like them but he let pride get to his head and he was caged in Hell.

"Brothers I sense that you all felt that as well, " Michael said to his fellow archangels. They all nodded in agreement, but it wasn't possible Lucifer was trapped in hell how could he be on earth?
"How could something like this have happened?" Raphael asked.
"It must have been what the demons were trying to do, " Gabriel realized.
"Can they do that? Bring Lucifer here without breaking any seals?" Metatron asked.
"We must tell our father and find Lucifer before the demons do, where is Castiel?" Michael asked.

"Still on earth brother, he is keeping an eye on your vessel, " Raphael responded.
"I will go visit him, Gabriel find Castiel and explain everything, Raphael tell our father the news, " Michael commanded taking charge as he always did. "Metatron how many mortals have you managed to warn?" He asked.
"Not many, they won't listen to me, " Metatron answered.
"Then you must keep trying, if Lucifer is here then the entire world is in danger.

Castiel had felt the pulse as well and hoped that it hadn't come from Sam. The young angel was too full of life to be the devil, not to mention he saw how close Dean and Sam had become. It was like watching Dean be a father to his younger brother, Castiel was sure that's how the two saw each other. Dean saw Sam as his son or younger brother, and Sam saw Dean as a father.
"Thinking out loud again Clarence?" A voice asked and Castiel turned to see Meg. He tensed up at seeing because he still had some romantic feelings for her, and he knew she couldn't be trusted.

"Meg this is unexpected, " Castiel said making sure to keep his angel blade close.
"What not happy to see me?" Meg asked and Castiel said nothing. "Like I've always said you're much cuter when you don't talk," she continued. The demon still had buried feelings for Castiel and hoped that after her King was brought back. The angel would fall and the two could finally be together.
"What do you want?" Castiel asked. Meg then burst into a fit of fake tears.
"Oh, Clarence it's awful!" She cried.

"What is?" Castiel asked concerned for her well-being.
"My father, all the demons and hell, " Meg answered. "All I see is endless suffering, and my family forces me to torture so many souls, " she continued. "I've lost count of how many, and I need you, " Meg said jumping into Castiel's arms. The angel wasn't expecting Meg to show him any affection. Demons never showed him any, not even to their own kind.
"I am here for you, " Castiel said to her. He was beginning to fall under her spell.

"Thank you, Clarence, " Meg sniffed and snuggled deeper into his embrace.
"But first how do I know this isn't some kind of trick?" Castiel asked he was no idiot and knew Meg lied a lot. She was a demon after all, and they lied about almost everything. Meg answered by showing him red rashes on her arms from chains.
"They kept me in chains because they knew what I was hiding, " Meg said to him.
"What were you hiding Meg?" Castiel asked.
"My feelings for you, " she answered, and after she said that Castiel believed her.

The two went on talking until Castiel felt like he could confide her with his dilemma. He explained how close Sam and Dean had gotten with each other, and how the angels including himself were worried that Sam was Lucifer. Meg acted sympathetic towards this and knew she was so close to achieving her mission. For the rise of Hell, for the world's true king, she told herself and she spoke to him again.
"I know a way we can tell for sure, " Meg said to him.
"How?" Castiel asked.

"Bring me the boy, and I will use a spell to see for myself, " Meg said to him.
"How do I know you won't trap him in Hell if isn't Lucifer?" Castiel asked.
"How do I know that your angel brothers won't do the same thing if he is?" Meg responded. Castiel sighed in defeat he couldn't argue with that statement.
"Okay I will bring you the boy, " Castiel said.
"Thank you, Clarence, and don't worry no harm will come to him, " Meg promised and that was the only thing she said that wasn't a lie.

Dean was having a bit of trouble adjusting after that incident in the woods. There was no use denying it anymore, as Sam had used abilities he knew only Lucifer would have. Castiel couldn't do that and while the archangels could he had never seen their eyes glow like fire. Dean remembered back to when he first found Sam and he wondered if the kid was Lucifer. While now it seemed like he was right, he should have been angry and hateful towards the devil. But Dean couldn't because he loved Sam so much, the kid-filled the empty hole in his heart that his brother had left.

So he couldn't bring himself to harm Sam in any way, he just couldn't do it. It was then that the hunter realized how attached he had grown to Sam. He only took the kid in to make sure he wasn't a threat but he was taking care of the child as his own.
"Dean, what's wrong?" Sam asked as he sat next to Dean on the bed. He hadn't gotten any sleep and Sam had heard his cries from the hallway.
"No Sammy I'm not okay, " Dean answered and thinking he had a bad dream. Sam hugged him with his arms and wings.
"It's okay Dean the dreams aren't real, " Sam said to him.

'I wish this was a dream, ' Dean thought to himself as he cried and held Sam close to him. "Dean please don't be sad, I'm here for you, " Sam said to him. The young angel couldn't believe that Dean was crying, he had seen Dean cry before but not like this. Dean was the strongest person he knew. But whatever he saw must have really upset him.
"Don't let them ever change you, " Dean said to him. Sam asked who he was talking and Dean didn't answer, Sam got really worried. He pressed a hand on Dean's chest and it glowed a bright blue.

Dean was unsure what Sam was doing until he realized that Sam was trying to emotionally heal him. Dean felt his body relax and almost instantly all of the pain from his nightmares, his grief, and the current situation faded lessened. It wasn't gone but it wasn't unbearable anymore.
"Sammy?" Dean asked.
"Do you feel better now De?" Sam asked with a smile.
"Yes I do, " Dean answered.
"I don't want you to be sad Dean, I will chase your bad dreams away, " Sam promised.
"What about when I get old?" Dean asked as a joke.
"I won't let you get old, I will make sure you live forever, " Sam declared. "That way we can stay together forever, " he continued.

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