Part 2

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-At the park-

"(Y/N) ah.. what do you like about him?" He asked, concerned. "I don't know. It's just that, I don't know anymore..." You let tears dripped. "Come on (Y/N). There's a lot of guys out there, you know?" He said as he side hugged you again and kissed the top of your head. "I'll support any other guy other than him. You know, my childhood friend is important to me. I won't let any other guys bully you." He said playfully.

You pouted and hit him playfully. "Aish you're cute. Which guy won't want you." He said as he ruffled your hair. "Come on, let's go home. It's late. I'll walk you home. Nope. Don't say no. Come on (Y/N)." He said as the both of you got up and interlocked your fingers. "Find a better guy alright?" He said and you nodded.

Deep inside, you don't know if you can as you were hurt by his words. You don't know if you can move on after the incident or think of someone else in mind.

-The next day-

You entered the class but didn't see the sight of Seonghwa. You went to your seat. "Who do you think you are?" Mina said. 'It's regarding yesterday's incident.' Inner you as you tried to stay strong. "We're asking you a question. You idiot." Hyunmin said and shoved your head.

You hung your head low. "Aww she's going to cry! Someone get her a bucket to cry in. Ha. Crybaby!" Jongmin said and laughed. The rest of the class laughed along. A moment later the class was quiet. You wiped your tears and looked up it was Seonghwa.

"Huh? Why are you all so quiet? I just heard you all laughed." He said, confused. "Oh nothing! We are just joking around. Right (Y/N)?" Mina said as she  squeezed your shoulder. Seonghwa looked at you. You nodded. He looked lost. More like guilty. 'Why
is he looking at me like that? Is it because of what Junghoon said?' Inner you, confused.

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