Chapter Sixteen

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Early morning sunlight filtering through the windows woke Kate just before seven as it always did.

After stretching, using the restroom, and making a cup of coffee, she picked up her cellphone from the bedside table.

Dialing Brian, he answered on the third ring with a groggy voice. "Good morning, Kate. Hold on a second and I'll get Caleb for you."

Before she could reply, she heard Felicia in the background complain, "Does she have to call so fucking early? Damn, the kid can talk as well at ten as at seven. Jesus!"

"She calls before she goes to work, Felicia. Relax."

Kate was livid. "Thanks, Brian. And tell that bitch the kid's name is Caleb and one of you should be up because I can guarantee he is already."

His silence spoke volumes.

She listened as he got up, Felicia cursing behind him, and walked through the house to Caleb's room.

Her son's favorite early morning Disney show was easy to hear through the phone.

Told you, she thought cattily.

"Caleb, your mom's on the phone," Brian said quietly.

There was a loud scramble and Caleb grabbed the phone from his dad. "Mommy! Good morning! You don't ever sleep late, huh? Even when I'm not there with a growly tummy. I'm watchin' Disney. What are you doin'?"

"I'm talking to the best boy in the world, Caleb. Did you sleep well?"

"Yup, Daddy got me my favorite thing at Subway. It was delicious. I gave Licia a headache with my talkin' so she went to bed really early and I had time with just Daddy. We played Wii together. Daddy kicked my butt at bowlin' but I won at baseball. What are you doin' today, Mommy?"

"I have to work but might have dinner later with a friend. What are you doing today, monkey?"

"What friend, Mommy?"

"Just a friend," she said carefully.

"Is it a boy?"

"He's a grownup."

"What's his name?"

Caleb had gotten protective of Kate since the divorce. He stayed close to her when other men were around. She worried about his reaction if she ever got to the point where she started dating again.

"Caleb, you're one-track minded. His name is Josh. Tell me what fun stuff you get to do today."

"We're goin' to Incredible Pizza in Tulsa. Is Josh nice?"

Kate sighed. "Yes, he's very nice."

"Good, because Licia can be a real poop. She's goin' to the mall instead of comin' with us but I don't mind at all."

Caleb's voice was very matter of fact. Kate struggled painfully not to burst out laughing. "You'll have time with your dad and that's a good thing."

"Yeah. Daddy's friend is dumb."

"That isn't nice, Caleb." But it wasn't a lie.

"I bet your friend isn't dumb, Mommy. I'm starvin' so I'm gonna give the phone to Daddy. I love you!"

"I love you, Caleb. Be good for Dad and watch your manners...he likes Felicia. Promise?" As much as Kate despised the woman, she wanted peace.

Her son gave a weary sigh that made him sound far older. "Alright, Mommy. I'll try to like her. I still think she's a poop. Bye for now, Mommy!"

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