Chapter Five

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Before she woke Brian up, Kate planned to look damn good. She slipped into snug jeans, heels, and a scoop-necked sweater that showed her modest breasts to great advantage.

Her dark auburn hair hung loose and curly to her shoulder blades and she applied the barest amount of makeup.

Gathering what she and Caleb would need for the next few weeks, she packed two big suitcases in his bedroom and loaded them in the trunk of her car. She used their guest room to store most of her stuff since she tried not to disturb Brian while he was sleeping.

Walking into the bedroom they'd shared most of their marriage, she sat on the edge of the bed and ran her hand over his shoulder and back as he laid on his stomach.

She hated that it felt good to touch him.

She hated that it would be the last time she did.

"Brian, it's time to get up." Her hand drifted up his spine and into his soft hair. "Time to wake up, Brian."

She put music on their television, softly playing blues, and moved around opening blinds to let the sun in.

He groaned at her and she smiled sadly, sad that so many of their little rituals were officially in their past.

"You can't sleep anymore now, but you have the whole weekend. Come on, you have to get up now."

He rolled to his back and leered at her sleepily. "You look hot, honey. Instead of me getting out of bed, why don't you get in it?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "We can take a nap together. We haven't done that in forever and you're looking especially tempting right now, Kit Kat."

Kate shook her head and walked into the bathroom to turn on the shower. "No more sleeping and no play time right now. Dinner is almost ready and I have plans."

With a grumble, Brian climbed from the bed. As he passed her on the way to the bathroom, he suddenly grabbed her and slammed her back against the wall.

His mouth came down on hers possessively as his hands roamed her breasts and sides, slipping around to cup her ass and yank her pelvis into his.

For a moment, she was disoriented - wanting him as she always wanted him.

Then she remembered Felicia.

The woman had fucked her husband. He'd orchestrated it, wanted it, and planned to keep going back. Keeping both women like the greedy bastard he was. One for playtime, one in the real world.

Oh, hell no.

Kate broke the kiss and pulled out of his arms. "Save all that energy for later or your steak is going to turn into jerky. That will make you unhappy, Brian."

He growled and gave her a final squeeze before letting her go. She turned to head back to the kitchen and he slapped her on the ass.

Kate needed a minute to breathe and catch her bearings. She suddenly understood what Roberta meant about waffling. It was hard to let go of someone you loved and a life that made you happy.

It was even harder to face horrible truths.

She was taking the baked potatoes from the oven and getting ready to plate the steaks when her husband came out of the bedroom in jeans and a t-shirt, barefoot with his hair still damp.

Damn...he really is good looking.

Too bad he's a lying, cheating piece of shit.

Dinner was delicious and she tried to participate in the conversation as much as possible, holding her tongue against the rage inside her. Afterward, she straightened the kitchen and he took out the trash.

"Time for our movie, Brian."

"Is it porn?" he asked her with a grin.

"Sort of. I think you'll want to add it to your collection."

He settled in the recliner she'd compromised on and Kate perched on the edge of the sofa.

Picking up the remote for the DVD player, she asked casually, "Brian, is there anything you want to talk about? Are you happy with our life?"

"Of course, I'm happy. I love you."

"Nothing to share then?"

"I tell you everything, Kit Kat. I'm a simple guy." Pointing to himself with his thumbs, he winked. "Open book, honey."

The sincerity of his words hurt her heart. Brian felt no hesitation about lying to her. He did it so well that it made her wonder how many other lies he'd told over the years.

She sighed heavily. "Then I guess we should watch this."

Kate hit play and the screen filled with the image of Brian and Felicia heading to his car, their arms around one another.

Brian went from reclined and relaxed to sitting up and strung tight with tension in under three seconds. She couldn't hear him breathing. In her peripheral vision, she saw that he stared at the screen with wide, panic-filled eyes.

The couple got in the car and kissed. Their conversation was replayed in surround sound. Cut forward to the woods, to the video she'd taken from the trees.

The recording showed Brian's hands on Felicia's breasts and her husband started shaking in their living room. When he told the younger woman to suck his cock, he released a low sound like an animal in a trap. When he told his girlfriend to ride his cock, he put his hands over his face.

As the DVD wound down, Brian and Felicia's conversation about Kate and their marriage was too loud in the silent room.

"Okay, Felicia, I have to get you home and get home myself. Can't have anyone wondering where I'm at."

"Why do you fucking care? She doesn't take care of you the way I would. You should just fucking leave her and come live with me."

"Baby, you know I can't. I don't want to lose Caleb. She'd be horrible in a divorce. All emotion and no facts. I don't have it in me to deal with that right now. Kate won't be reasonable. I promise I'll take care of just keep taking care of me. Okay?"

"Maybe when we get to my place, you'll take me one more time to hold me over?"

Kate waited until Felicia said one last thing.

"Okay...just fuck me good before you go back to her."

She hit pause, stood up, and turned to her husband with her arms crossed over her chest. He sat on the edge of the chair, his elbows on his knees, and his head in his hands.

He was crying but Kate steeled her heart against it. He was upset he'd been caught, not that he'd cheated on his wife.

"Don't bother with excuses or apologizing because we both know it would have gone on if I hadn't found out. It isn't's fear that motivates your tears right now."

Reaching into the media center, she pulled out the first draft of their divorce papers.

"Our divorce can be simple if you let it. This is a rough draft for you to review. It's being filed on Monday so text me any changes. I took half the money from our checking account. I'm going to stay with my family while we get things settled."

She stared at the man she'd loved, married, and lived with for seven years. A man she'd known most of her life.

"I loved you. Part of me still loves you." He looked up hopefully. "But I'll never forgive you for throwing our beautiful life away for a piece of ass."

Then Kate walked out of her house and her marriage.

The pain - despite her preparations - almost broke her.

© Shayne McClendon

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