Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I don't want to leave this bed," Josh said quietly an hour later. "I want to stay right here."

Kate stretched beside him. "I wish we could." She turned her head to look into his eyes and smiled. "The world calls."

Sighing heavily, he answered, "I'll make us some food and drop you home." Leaning close, he kissed her lips lightly with his palm cupping her face. "You are more than I ever imagined you'd be. Thank you for an incredible morning."

"The feeling is mutual." Nuzzling his cheek, she added, "Let's get up before we don't."

With a long groan, he said, "I hate being a responsible adult."

They left either side of the bed naked and Kate put her hand on her hip. "My sweaty clothes are downstairs."

"I think my sister left a change of clothes here when she watched the place for me. Let me check."

She watched with appreciation as he turned and walked out of the room and down the hall. A moment later, he returned with a t-shirt and pair of leggings.

"Will this work? I even found a hair tie if you need it."

"Perfect. Do you mind if I take a quick shower?"

He wrapped one arm around her and kissed her forehead. "You can do anything you want. Consider this your home away from home. I want you to feel comfortable here."

"I am. Give me five minutes."

Kate took the clothes and walked into his bathroom. She took a towel from a neatly folded stack and pulled her hair into a messy bun. Moving quickly, she handled the business of showering and dressed in the borrowed clothes.

Josh called from downstairs, "Making food! Take your time!"

She stared at the bed where they'd spent three hours giving each other pleasure. He was the best lover in her history because he gave as fully as he took. He was damn thorough when he touched her.

It was a big deal and not something to take lightly.

Shaking herself from chill-inducing memories of their morning together, she went to join him on the first floor.

Josh was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He was making eggs, sausage, and toast. "Hope you're okay with simple. I was starving and everything else felt like it would take too long."

"Simple is perfect."

He handed her a plate with a grin. "It's all I know so thank god. Orange juice?" She nodded and watched him pour two glasses. They sat at the small table in his kitchen.

They dug in without hesitation and didn't speak for several minutes. She figured he needed the calories as badly as she did.

It fascinated her that it wasn't awkward.

Exhaling when she was done, she picked up her glass of juice. "That was delicious. Thanks."

"My pleasure. I make the same breakfast most mornings to eat something filling before getting on with the day. Otherwise, I'm making do with an apple and a PopTart...which lasts about five minutes in the fields."

She laughed. "I can't survive on empty calories. I walk about twenty-thousand steps a day. That requires tons of complex nutrients and plenty of protein."

"You're an amazing cook."

"I learned the basics from my mom. She's incredible. I had to change some things when I started cooking for myself in college. Biscuits and gravy made me want to nap."

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