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Just like last time, im not Irish. Please dont get angy at me. I really wasnt planning on writing a sequel but people kept wanting one so I decided why not. Also i have decided ill post chapter one when the 1 year anniversary of the first book happens cause why not? (Disclaimer, thats the 28th technically but there was the introduction chapter before that which was uploaded in the 20th so ill just do it on the 20th)

Just like with the last story, I havent planned a single thing out. I litereally just wrote the description of the top of my head with absolutely no plans. Ive now decided you live in America cause thats easier for the plot so if you arent from America well unlucky you, now you do. (I want to leave the country -_-)

Upload schedule will be probably once or twice a week (depending on writters block and school when it starts back in August) but feel free to scream at me if im slacking in anything about the story.

I shall still ask random questions at the end of each chapter cause why not. Also please dont hesitate in suggesting things that i could write into the story (please it would help me a lot) and if i think it would be great to add it in then i 100% will!

In this story you will have both parents together and 2 older siblings. One brother who is 5 years older and a sister who is 3 years older. Whether you have good realtionships with them or not will be decided when i actually get to that part in the story.

I hope you enjoy this story and that i dont let you down with this sequel. Ill try to make it the same way i made the other one but maybe a little more playful? We shall see what happens.


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