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Sorry i didnt upload yesterday like i planned. My mom just got out of surgery and i had to help around the house. Shes okay now though so thats great. Also Taniel is back so i have stuff i can do with my life now 🥰🥰

Over the next few days you decide to order the plane tickets and whatnot. You told your boss the situation. You knew Daniel would have to be on a break for a little while (hah if i was only like 2 or 3 weeks sooner) so he couldnt stream. In the end, it was probably for the better to have a nice little vacation.

When it was one week left, thats when you became anxious. When you went to Ireland with bf/n it was nice, and not anxiety inducing. That was only because you didnt think you were going to see anyone and become friends with them. Much less date them. You knew bf/n was really excited. They say they have a suprise as well. Gone for 10 months and they already are scheming things. Dan was excited for it. He had been to america but this was strictly to meet people only you knew. Not his youtuber friends. That wasnt to say you wernt excited to go see some old friends or anything. Its just not really on your bucket list right this moment. Dans parents loved you, sure. His mom did especially, but your parents were like wild cards. There is no telling who or what they will like when you see them.

You were in your room just listening to music while drawing up story ideas. You haven't been the most inspired to write anything, so you had to just make do with the tiny ideas that you had and maybe create flavor text that would be enough to reach the minimum amount of word you did per chapter. Editing was typically your job, sure. But that doesn't mean you, yourself didn't like getting creative. You had piano jazz in the background as well to keep you calm and focused on what you were doing. After a while you decided to stop and just try to relax so that you could get your head straight. You had work tomorrow at 9:30 anyways, so you didn't wanna stress yourself out. Just four more days of work and then you can think strictly of going back to America. Nothing else.

You heard a knock at your door and you spun your chair around to see Dan coming in with a plate of food. It was just one of your favorite sweets.

"Just cheking in on you since you have been in here alot of the day. Are you feeling alright?"

You shut your notebook and stood up to accept the food from him. He sat on the unused bed that was in the room.

"Yes im fine. Just thinking about a lot of things here and there. Work, possible books I want to maybe write one day, going back to America. There's just a lot to think about it guess. I'm sorry if I've seemed weird lately cause of it or anything like that."

You then took a bite of the sickly sweet fudge covered brownie. Still warm from the oven.

"Are you sure you wanna take this trip? If you don't want to then we don't have to. It's your family and friends so it's completely up to you. We could always wait a little longer if you want."

You shook your head and put down the other half of the brownie, residue remained all over your fingers.

"Its okay. It's just that I don't know how my parents will react to seeing me since we were never close and we never really talked much. I moved in with bf/n very shortly after turning 18 because I wanted the freedom of being away from them."

He looked over to your desk and saw you're writing notebook. You then turned around and got back to writing stuff down for possible stories you could write. With Dan having a wonderful English collage degree, you sometimes asked him for advice on certain things when it came to your writing. Yes you work as a book editor, but that isn't at all the same as a writer. The editors read what is already written while the authors are the ones who come up with the actual story. It was nice to have a second opinion who knew at least a little about what you were asking or saying.

"Any new ideas? I'm sure you have a few really good ones. You always do."

You sighed and showed him the ideas you wrote down. He liked a few but some of the others were questionable.

After a few minutes of that, he went to check the mail to see if our tickets have arrived. Lucky him, they did. He was actually really excited, but also worried about he you felt for the whole thing.


"Yes Vaniel?"

"Our flight is at 9:15 this Wednesday."

Random question: How do you relax from stress or anxiety? (If you don't have stress or anxiety then what is your favorite color?)

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