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Welcome hello I am back and happy to be back so I hope you enjoyed the chapter that took me almost a year to write half of :)

You hung up the phone with your mom to see dan was looking at you a little confused.

"So what was that about?"

"That was my mom. She was being really snappy about the fact that im back in town so i told her we would see her tomorrow."

He nodded before sitting down on the couch and you just layed in the floor in front of the couch thinking about random things. It brougt you back to when bf/n bought the tickets for ireland. It felt like it was 2 weeks ago when it wasnt.

"Hey its okay. Im sure it will be okay. I also have a few friemds i would like you to meet other than bf/n of course. I think you will like them. One of my friends is a fan so that will be intresting for her if i just show up with you out of nowhere i think. Plus i have my car back now that im here so thats always a good thing."

He nodded and you both went on with your evening/night. Your body wasnt exhausted but your mind definately was. You looked around the room and glanced at all the pictures on the wall. Some of them were the same from when you left and some of them were ones you havent seen yet. There was one right above the couch. It was Alex and bf/n with Emily the day she was born. She was still in the hospital hooked up to a few machines. She was tiny.

"Do you think your mom will like me?"

"...No. But she doesnt like anyone really. Dont take it personal. She hated the fact that i was leaving the country even though it wasnt permanent."

He hummed in understanding and emily started sturring around. A little. Daniel looked at her like he broke her and didnt know how to tell a parent.

"You know whats funny Caniel?"

"Whats that darling?"

"Its very strange to see you 'blend' guilbert and then see you be so gental and fragile with a baby."

"Don't give me any ideas y/n-"

"Daniel no."

"HAH you called me Daniel instead of some random lettered version of it. My day is complete."

You rolled your eyes while smiling and shaking your head as you walked over to him. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before going to get baby formula for Emily since it's almost been 2 hours since she's eaten last and she's still so tiny.

"Do you wanna feed her?"

"How...do I do that exactly?"

You handed him the bottle with powder and water in it and he looked like he didn't know what to do with it.

"Shake it till you think it's well mixed and then just feed her. It isn't insanely difficult I promise. Which now that i think about it, that makes the scene boring cause the writter neglects the story a lot."

He looked down at Emily while shaking the bottle and she was just staring up at him with her big blue eyes watching him. Once he was done shaking it he held it up to her and she instantly started eating. Watching it all happen made you realize how good of a parent Daniel would be if he ever became one. Dealing with chat is the equivalent of the toddler, and somewhat angsty teen phase anyways.

"Alright that was a well deserved power nap."

Bf/n was walking back in with Alex and they both look like they just woke up.

"Glad you could get some rest. Emily was wonderful considering she only shits eats and sleeps."

Bf/n took Emily from Dan's arms and you could tell Emily was about to take a fat nap of her own.

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