Chapter 7

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"That happens sometimes, no need to worry about it. It just means I need to properly clean it." You proclaimed, sending her a sweet smile.

Great... I guess demons can fall in love. But who in this castle stole my heart so quickly?

The look Daniela gave you told you that she didn't believe a word you said, and honestly, you wouldn't believe it either if you were her. Chittering and droning grew louder as her sisters returned, the sobs and terrified please of a maiden mixing in with the noise.

"Your sisters work fast." You mused, wrapping a piece of cloth around your wrist.

"We always do." Daniela stated with pride, beaming at the door as her sisters entered the room. "Oh? Why her?"

Your gaze landed on a maiden — probably twenty years of age — who had many scars and bruises. With a head tilt, you strolled over to her, the older vampires giggling while awaiting your assessment of their catch. The maid stared into your red eyes and started shaking, making you grin and show off your fangs, her deep blue eyes filled with fear.

"Excellent catch," You purred, crouching to the maidens level. "She'll do nicely. What a shame the life has to be drained from these gorgeous blue eyes of hers."

Gold eyes burned through you, allowing you to sense a hint of jealousy and anger from one of the sisters, fueling you to push forwards. You brought a hand up and gently caressed the maidens cheek, noticing her eyes slowly cloud over with lust. The effects of being in the presence of a demon, especially one who's mother is the sin Lust.

The hatred and jealousy grew stronger, especially when the maiden leaned into your touch, all traces of fear leaving her. With a wicked smirk, you leaned towards her, your lips centimeters from hers and eliciting a whimper from the maid.

"May I?" You inquired, connecting your lips with hers after she nodded.

Almost as soon as your lips were on hers, you were ripped away from her and her screams filled the air — being silenced shortly after. When your gaze landed on the three sisters, they all held the woman above the pool-like tub, hatred and jealousy rolling off of them in waves. You let out a low chuckle as they drained her, noticing the three occasionally biting her when their anger wasn't satisfied.

Well... that doesn't narrow it down.

Once the maiden had been bled dry, Daniela was the first to look at you, the rage in her eyes dissipating once they locked with yours. Your breath caught in your throat at that, watching her lips curl into a smirk before giggles left her.

"What? Just gonna stay on the floor like that?"

Heat coated your cheeks as you pushed yourself to your feet, clearing your throat quietly before the others noticed you. Once you had calmed yourself, your gaze lifted and you offered a warm smile to the three.

"My, my! You three really didn't like that!" A laugh passed your lips and you ignored the quiet hisses from them. "I know my mother is Lust but, I didn't expect vampires to fall for my charms so easily."

Bela let out a quiet huff, folding her arms over her chest and effectively drawing your gaze to her. Another laugh slipped out as you sauntered over to the sisters, arms extended as you spoke.

"Now, now, I'm only teasing." You paused for a brief moment, your smile fading for a moment before reappearing. "Partially."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cassandra grumbled, sending a slight glare your way.

"Hm? Oh! I simply didn't expect you three to react like that!"

"Why bother kissing the help that we're going to kill anyway?" Daniela hissed, narrowing her eyes at you.

She's especially angry. How cute.

"Why not? It makes the soul taste better — although I suppose I'm not devouring the souls..."

"Exactly, so don't do it again." Bela warned, swarming off with Cassandra.

Oh, they all are angry. This is very cute. I can't tell if they're angry because I kissed the maid or because it wasn't one of them. What an interesting family.

Your gaze landed on Daniela and an idea popped into your head, causing you to saunter over to her, beaming at her. Her eyes narrowed even more, making a giggle pass your lips as you placed your hands on her shoulders.

"Tell me," You mused, watching her tense slightly. "Why were all of you really upset?"

Her eyes immediately darted away from yours, earning a laugh from you. She grumbled quietly, threatening to bite you if you kept laughing.

"Oh dear, I quite enjoy biting." You winked, flustering the younger vampire. "Come on now, you can tell me. I am a demon, after all, nothing surprises me."

She let out a quiet huff before shoving you away, earning a genuine laugh from you. The laugh shocked even yourself, making your eyes widen once you stopped.

"Why do you look so surprised?" She inquired, eyeing you curiously.

"Uhm..." You trailed, clearing your throat and steeling yourself. "Most aren't able to get a laugh like that from me."

A smirk made its way to Daniela's face as her gloved fingers wrapped around your arm, pulling you closer to her. Or did she press into you? You weren't entirely sure anymore. Your gaze slowly shifted to hers, breath catching in your throat as you stared into her golden eyes.

"So, does that make me special?" She hummed out, leaning her head on your shoulder, never breaking eye contact.

You stayed silent for a while, simply examining the little details on her face, snapping yourself out of your trance. Your gaze snapped away from hers as you sighed, a frown on your face.

"I guess it does." You murmured, letting out a low sigh. "Any other questions?"

"Yeah," She giggled, making you look at her again. "How come you don't have fox ears and a tail like your father?"

"Because, I take after my mother. My older brother, Basil, he has ears and a tail like our father."

"Who's your mother?" She inquired, standing in front of you.

You glanced off to the side nervously, clearing you throat before deciding to tell her the truth. "Lust. My mother is the sin, Lust."

so as many of you may know, i took a break from uploading this week due to mental health. things still won't be back to normal just yet.

i can't be in my room and writing anymore so that means i'm downstairs more often, which also means less writing time. hopefully things get back to normal soon (i may honestly have to start walking once this weather clears up).

i'll be taking days off of uploading and just working on stories and then mass uploading them once i have multiple chapters to send out.

Demonic Love [daniela x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now