Chapter 38

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"Good night, my love." You hummed, kissing her head.

"Good night, darling." Daniela giggled, a soft hum leaving her shortly after.

The next morning you woke to soft kisses on your neck, a content hum leaving you as your eyes fluttered open and landed on the figure laying atop your own. Red, silky hair and porcelain skin drew your attention to Daniela as she planted more kisses along your jaw, soft mutters leaving her. It took you a moment to realize what she was saying, your lips twitching upwards into a smile once you were able to make out what she had been saying.

"Wake up." She whined softly after a kiss. "I want attention. Get up or I'll bite you." Another kiss and more mutters made it harder for you to not laugh. "Demons don't even need to sleep so get up and pay attention to me."

"Someone's needy this morning." You muttered after a few more moments of her whining, grinning when she quickly pulled away from your neck and sat up.

"You're one to talk Ms. 'It's been too long since we've had sex'."

"At least I was needy at night. And it has - a weekend without sex is torture for a spawn of Lust."

"Awe, am I torturing my girlfriend?"

"You are." You pouted, fighting back a smile when she started giggling.

"Then I guess it's a good thing you're a masochist and you secretly enjoy it." She purred, resting her hands on your chest to keep you on the bed.

"Sadomasochist but I'll let it slide for now. My sadistic vampire."


"Fine, my sadomasochistic vampire girlfriend."

"Better. We should get ready for breakfast." She muttered, swarming off of you without another word.

You laughed quietly and got out of bed, shaking your head at how quickly she changed the topic. It was something she did often and every time, you reassured her it didn't bother you. In fact, you loved it - you loved when she'd get excited about something and trail off from whatever she had originally been talking about to speak more on it. Once you were dressed, you noticed her at the door waiting for you, her gaze on the floor until you were at her side.

She opened her mouth to speak but you cut her off with a quick kiss and a smile, watching her relax and return your smile. You opened the door and the two of you made your way to the dining hall - with you whispering to her how you couldn't wait to spend the day with her in the library. She let out a quiet giggle when you pressed a kiss to her cheek, pulling you into the seat next to her once she had sat down.

Demonic Love [daniela x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now