Chapter 12

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"Then I'm an angel, darling. Tell me the truth."

"I kissed Daniela."

Your mother slowly pulled you back, a curious gleam in her eyes. Before she could speak again, you glanced away and sighed.

"I guess she didn't feel anything. She said it was just a kiss, which I suppose it was, but I've never felt alive after a kiss before."

"Oh dear," She sighed out, her thumb brushing over your cheeks. "Do you need me to help with anything?"

"No, there are maids here I can sleep with to get over her. Or I can leave in the middle of the night to sleep with someone outside of the castle."

"That's my girl." She giggled, sending you a wink. "We don't want your aunts and uncles to find out. Especially Wrath — you know how he can get."

"Yeah, he ripped the last man that broke Basil's heart in half. He let me have the soul though."

"I'm not sure if vampires have souls, dear." Your mother laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Just don't sleep with the maids in the castle, you don't want to ruin your relationship with the rest of the ladies in this castle."

"Yes mother." You muttered softly, watching her disappear again.

A knock at your door caused a soft groan to leave you before you cracked it open, your eyes landing on Sorana. Her eyes locked with yours and you stepped to the side, opening the door for her and motioning her in. She glanced down both ends of the hall before entering the room, quietly squeaking when you shut the door behind her.

"What are you doing here?" You inquired, circling her slowly. "I didn't call for you — and I know the sisters didn't send you here. Did you come here out of curiosity?"

When you stopped circling her, her green eyes stared at you innocently, eliciting a laugh.

Oh, she's curious. Perhaps we should indulge her.

If the ladies find out, they'll kill her! It's not worth it!

"Well?" You mused out, bringing a hand up to rest on her cheek.

She cautiously leaned into your touch, pearly white teeth catching her lower lip. "C-curiosity... I-I hope th-that's okay!"

"Shh," You chuckled out, backing her towards the door and locking it. "Don't want your ladies to hear, do you?"

Her head shook immediately, fear flashing in her eyes. "M-maybe we sh-shouldn't then."

"The decision is yours." You stated lazily, making your way to your bed. "Either way, I'll enjoy myself."

She went silent and stared at the ground, contemplating her choices. When her eyes locked with yours once more, she made her way over to the bed, nervously sitting on the edge.

"M-maybe just... a-a kiss?"

Your [E/C] eyes shimmered with intrigue as you nodded, sitting properly before patting the space in front of you. Once she was in position, you placed your hand on her cheek once more.

"Now," You hummed out, leaning towards her. "Don't be afraid to tell me to stop or to pull away if you start to feel uncomfortable. Things tend to move fast with demons so, I'll hold back for you."

"Th-thank you." She stuttered out, nervously closing her eyes and leaning forward.

You smirked slightly before closing the gap, letting your eyes flutter shut. The kiss remained gentle for a while until Sorana shifted closer, her hands moving to rest on your shoulders. You slipped an arm to her waist, helping her climb into your lap as she slowly pulled away from the kiss.

"Something wrong?" You asked softly, watching her glance away.

"Wh-when I think about doing m-more..." She trailed off, clutching the fabric of your shirt. "I get a weird feeling."

"Hm? That's common." You promised, gaining her attention. "But if you'd like, we can—."

"N-no!" She eked out, cheeks flushing immediately. "I-I mean..."

"Then tell me when to stop." You murmured, placing kisses along her jaw.

When her head tilted back, you trailed kisses down her neck, occasionally nipping at her flesh and relishing in the soft gasps and moans that would leave her. Sorana squirmed in your lap and pressed into you more, quiet whimpers and begs for more leaving her.

"You swear that this is what you want?" You asked as you lay her down, hovering over her. "Just tell me if you—."

A knock at the door silenced you, making you put a finger over your lips to indicate her to remain silent. When another knock came, you climbed off of your bed and trudged to the door, unlocking it and cracking it open, lazily staring at whoever was knocking.

"There you are," Cassandra hummed out, raising an eyebrow at you. "Retiring so soon? I figured you'd have more energy."

Oh, we do! Wanna see?!

Will you shut up!

"Ah, hate to disappoint. But I actually have to check in with my brother, make sure father hasn't returned early. I'd never hear the end of it."

A pout took over her features before she nodded and swarmed off, letting you shut and lock the door once more. When you turned around, you noticed Sorana trembling, causing you to sigh and make your way over to her. You sat on the edge of your bed and motioned her towards you, letting her climb onto your lap.

"Breathe," You whispered out, rubbing circles on the small of her back. "Focus on me."

She nodded hesitantly, fingers curling into the fabric of your shirt as she took deep breaths, settling down after a few minutes. When her eyes locked with yours again, she immediately connected your lips, a needy whimper leaving her once you kissed back. You slowly leaned back against the headboard, your hands resting on thighs as she pulled away from the kiss, gently tugging at the cloth you were wearing.

"Are you sure?" You asked again, staring into her eyes.

"Yes," She whimpered softly, gently rocking against you to create friction. "Please... If I want you to stop, I-I'll say. I-I promise."

"Alright," You sighed out, slipping your hands under her uniform and slowly up her thighs. "But only once, got it?"


waiting here to let you all decide.
sleep with sorana or no? your decisions plan the next few chapters. decide at your own risk.

Demonic Love [daniela x fem!reader] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now