Part 4

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Ashton's POV:

*ugly, fat, weak, not good enough, loner.*

The words swirl in my head like a tornado as i sat in my bed that night. I had hot streams of tears running down my face, and i couldn't control them. I struggle with these things behind closed doors because my friends see me as their rock. I'm what keeps everyone else level, but there's no one for me. I live on my own, ever since i got kicked out, but that's another story for a later date. So there's no family support either.

I know that Y/N likes Luke a lot. Like a lot a lot. But i love her. Ever since we were kids we've all had this love triangle, but i've always been the lonely corner that got ignored. Luke and Y/N liked each other, i was the third wheel that was madly in love with Y/N, and i still am today. Y/N tells me everything, and she sees me more as an older brother, but i dream about her at night, and i cherish her presence more than anyone. I know i'm not attractive, skinny, or smart enough for her liking, but oh what i would do to show her the way i love her.

My phone rang beside me and the number on the screen was my dads. He only causes trouble in my life, but something told me i should answer it. I hadn't talked to him for almost four months.
"Ashton you pig what have you done with your life..?"
He was drunk, and he was slurring his words. I shouldn't have answered.
"Dad really? Look at yourself!"
I retorted.
"Don't you give me that, son. You're disgusting. It's no wonder that you're still single, look at yourself! When you were born, not only were you a mistake but you ruined my life. I was stuck takin care of this ungrateful stupid kid. I'm happy i don't have to take care of you anymore, you fat lard. Just wanted to catch you up in the latest happenings in my life. Talk to you soon."
He snapped.
"You didn't catch me up on anything but what i already know dad, thanks."
I replied with more tears spilling out of my eyes.
"Anytime son."
He then hung up.

What's the point in living anymore? All life is, is loneliness and pain.

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