Part 9

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Ashton's POV:

"So what do you need?
I asked Luke.
"Advice. Y/N loves me.."
There was an awkward silence between us for a minute and my heart dropped to my stomach. In an instant, all chances i even slightly had were shot out of the sky.
"Well she told me she loves me when we were at the park sitting on the bench. She called me out there to tell me that, and she had been crying so.. What do you think i should do?"
He finished. I still hadn't made eye contact with him, and the awkwardness was growing thicker by the second. I had to keep reminding myself not to cry.
"Tell her what you feel and go with your gut. It'll all work out in the end."
I mustered up the courage to at least say that. I was giving him general advice because i really had no idea what to say.
"Maybe... Specifics? Ash i need your help with this one man."
Luke pleaded.
"I can't. I don't know."
I said standing from the couch and walking into the kitchen.
"You're all i've got Ashton at least try. Can't you help me out with stuff like this? For once??"
With that he crossed a line.
"I've helped you with SO much Luke don't you EVER say that again. I've sacrificed a lot in my lifetime for your benefit and you don't even care! I'm talking to you about this right now at 3:30 in the flipping morning and i could be very well asleep at this point. And, and you're so OBLIVIOUS to life Luke.. To everything! She's loved you for years, i'm sitting here deteriorating like crazy both mentally and emotionally, i'm completely alone.. You don't see ANY of this! Worst part is, I love her. I LOVE Y/N! I've loved her for a very long time and i've had to sit back and watch her love someone else who doesn't see her love. Luke i can't do it anymore. I CAN'T!"
I raised my voice slamming my fist on the counter several times, with a little more force each time.
"I-I'm sorry. I'll just go. I..."
He whispered as he turned for the door. I could see the hurt in his eyes, but there was nothing i could do now. I felt bad, but it felt so good to let all of that go. I sat down at the bar in my kitchen and rested my head in my hands and thought to myself:
"Now you're completely alone. You kissed Y/N and you went off on Luke. You literally have no one left. Great job Ash"
I could feel the tears stream down my face, and i could feel my heart break in two. All i could do was ask myself why.

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