Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Jay-Jay and I met when we were six. He had just moved into our town and was the new kid at school. Growing up with him had to be the biggest blessing I had in my life. We spent every second of every day together. We grew up going to the docks and staring into the water. We would take long walks in the afternoons and spent endless nights staring at the stars as we laid on the grass. We used to go around our old little town and look for the perfect view of the ocean. It was a stupid little kids' thing to do, but we loved it.

Jay-Jay always said that we would probably never find it in Greenport. But we still promised to never stop looking for it. Kids make stupid promises that do not seem hard to keep. I found my perfect view a couple of months before I lost him, but no matter how many times I went back, I never found him. Because he was my perfect view.

We had what I would consider the perfect relationship. We never ran out of things to talk about and knew everything about each other. There was nothing about me he did not know, and there was nothing about him I did not know. From how he liked his coffee, to his biggest fears and pet peeves. The one thing I never got to know was if we would have worked out as more than friends.

I am a coward. Nothing to be proud of, but I know how scared of everything around me I am. My biggest fear? Losing Jay-Jay. When he was still with me, he was my best friend, and that was it. But when I lost him, every time I thought of him there was nothing, I wanted more than to tell him how much I loved him, and how gorgeous of a person I thought he was. I do not think I said it enough when I had the chance. To be honest, I think I kept too much in.

When I lost him there was only one thing left I feared, and that was having broken his heart.

I met Zac one month and two weeks before Jay-Jay's death. Jay-Jay and I got after-school detention for fooling around in math class.

Yes, we were both honor students, but we were also really annoying. We laughed all class about the stupidest things, sneaked food in, and joked around.

Yes, we always tried our hardest to get good grades, and keep our GPAs. After all, that was all we had to get us out of that town. But, there was the occasional time when we could not get it together and would end up in detention. I believe this was because Mr. Drigger could not stand us. He was our Honors Algebra teacher, and I could not blame him for hating us. I would have been annoyed with us too.

"Could the two of you please be quiet?"

I looked at him and tried my hardest not to laugh about the stupid jokes Jay-Jay was telling.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed.

Jay-Jay took his water bottle to calm himself down a little but ended up choking on his water and spilling it all over our desks. I swear I laughed so hard the entire school could have heard me. Mr. Drigger slowly stopped writing on the board and turned around. I put my hands over my mouth as if that would take back the massive laugh I had just let go of, and Jay-Jay pretended there was not a puddle of water all over the desk by putting his hoodie over it.

"Just go to the principal's office, both of you."

"But she did not- "

I do not even know how Jay-Jay pretended to get me out of the obvious mess we had gotten ourselves into, but that's just who he was. I knew if he had to give his life for me to be okay, he would without a doubt.

"Just leave."

"I'm so sorry Mr. Drigger," I said as we both stood up.

We started walking down the hall but could not hold our laughs for the life of us.

"I hate you so much,"

"I hate you more," he said while chuckling.

"You're such a dork, Jay-Jay"

Jay-Jay, I do not even remember when I started calling him that, I only used it sometimes, and though it made me feel like we were six again, it made me the happiest person on earth.

Once he was gone, I would only call him Jay-Jay, almost hoping it would bring him back.

Mr. Baker was our school's principal, and the most relaxed man I have ever known.

"So, you spit water all over your desk because you were laughing so much?" he laughed about it.

"Yeah, we're sorry"

Jay-Jay had this horrible ability to convince anyone about anything he wanted to. He was the best liar I had ever met, and I hated that about him. But right then, he did not even try; it seemed like he was okay with getting detention, and honestly, so was I. It only meant we got to spend time together without having to go home.

"Okay you two, go tell Mr. Drigger you're sorry, and that you're getting after-school detention with Ms. Ally."

Detention with her was not bad at all. She was the football coach, so we just had to stay to the after-school practice and help with whatever she wanted us to. Normally, we'd just be the water guys. I could not complain.

We ended our day smoothly and went to sit on the field to wait for Ms. Ally. She asked us to sit on the benches and give water out to whoever needed it. The sun was shining brightly; summer was almost completely gone.

I do not remember where he came from, he just approached us and asked for a water bottle. He was so nice, but so good-looking too. I probably just looked like an idiot when I dropped my glasses into the cooler as I tried to get a bottle out. But I swear he looked like he came from a Hollywood movie. I honestly think he did. He was the epitome of "too good to be true". He was so kind as to dry my glasses and put them back on for me. He asked for my name, smiled, and went back to the field.

Zac. I do not even know why I found him so attractive. I mean, he was handsome, but I had never felt like that before. It's as if at that exact moment a hidden part of me woke up and made me realize I liked boys. And not in the "I like you, can we be friends" way. I was so nervous; I felt my face turning red with embarrassment.

"Guess I'll see you around then, Camile."

I swear my heartbeat had never been so altered. "I'll see you around." I was convinced I would never see him again. But, God, was I lucky to have seen him that day. That golden hair and pretty blue eyes would change my life, and I had no idea about it.

"Ugh, what a jerk," Jay-Jay got me out of my daydream like a punch in the stomach.

"What? No. He was nice."

"To you, maybe"

He seemed so annoyed.

"Come on Jay-Jay, he was okay."


"Just keep telling me about that movie you saw, it's almost time to get going, anyway."

He smiled and kept talking, as amused as he was before. He had such a cute smile; he was adorable overall. His curly brown hair, and those puppy eyes could convince me of doing the stupidest things.

He was a good-looking guy, and there was nothing I wanted more than for him to find someone that would treat him the way he deserved. I was certain that the day he got himself a girlfriend I would freak out; there was no way I would not. Still, I did not think that day would come in a long time. As far as I was concerned, I still got time to have him all for myself. I truly did not think we would even bother about love interests until we were almost out of college. We had never talked about it; I had never known of someone he liked, or even found attractive, and to be honest, I had never thought about it myself either. Plus, how could I possibly have feelings for him? He was my best friend, my only friend, and that was it. We grew up together; I knew everything about him - from the way he liked his coffee, to his biggest fears and pet peeves.

But when love knocks on your door, there's no way to keep it out. Even if it's not "the one", right?

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