Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


"I touched her last night in my sleep for the first time."

She stared at me for a moment.

"You should really start getting over her, she's not even real."

Natasha and I met days before the accident, and for some unknown reason, she would come to my house to hang out every afternoon. We would sit in the living room and watch movies; I had a hard time telling if she was into me or if she was just too flirty. There was no point in trying to explain this to her, but she was the closest thing I had to a friend, and if I kept on swallowing my thoughts, I would end up drowning.

I stood up, trying to explain something Nat was not wanting to understand.

"No, you do not get it, she's real. I could feel her skin touching mine, she was reaching for my hand as if wanting me to pull her out of a pool, and when I grabbed her hand she let go and I woke up."

"That's the thing about dreams you know. They are not real, hun."

"Nat, I am not making this up. Do you know what it feels like? A memory, not a dream. She's real, I swear."

"Just let it go, Johnathan, you're driving yourself crazy with this whole amnesia thing. You are literally falling in love with a ghost when there's so much more around you."

There was no point in trying to argue, she probably thought I was insane. But it honestly did not matter what she said. To me, the girl I dreamed about was real.

I sat down, and we stayed there silently until the phone started ringing, so I got up to answer.



Everything stopped, completely. I felt my heart leave my body and I am not sure it came back.

There was no way.


No answer. I was not wrong, but there was no way it was her.


Pure, dead silence.

"Come on! HELLO! Hello! Please answer!"

I was on the verge of crying.

"Babe! What's going on? You look sick, calm down!" Natasha took the phone from my hands.

"Hello? Johnathan, the line's dead, what the hell?"

I could not get myself together. It was her. The girl I had been dreaming about, she was on the phone, and nobody was going to believe me.

"It was her Nat, she-she called me."

She looked at me dead in the eye.

"You're truly creeping me out, boo."

I felt as if everything around me was spiraling. I needed to sit down. I walked to the couch and leaned on it, slowly letting my body fall. I could not believe what I just heard. My heart was beating way too fast, and I could feel my stomach turning around. I got chills all over my body, and I could not get her voice out of my head. It was her. The same "Johny" that woke me up weeks before when coming out of a coma. The same voice I had been dreaming about nonstop. I knew she was real, and I needed to find her.

Natasha walked up to me and sat on my legs.

"Babe, stop you're making me sad! What the hell is this all about?"

"Dude, I'm telling you it was her. The girl I've been dreaming about, she called."

"You know what? Call me when you stop acting up."

She stood up and left.

I was relieved she was gone.

Why was she calling me?

Who was she?

That question blinked in my head over and over again. Why her? Where did we meet, why, if she was so important, was no one mentioning her? I stood up and went to the phone, after much debating, I used the last call return to try and get the number. It went straight to voicemail, so I hung up. I could not get her phone number from my landline, so I used the last call return, and called again.


Should I leave a message? Maybe she would call back!

I tried one last time.


"Hi, Uhm, this is Johnathan! I cannot remember your name, or where I know you from, but I really need to talk to you, call me, if you want. Please! Okay, bye!"

Such an idiot, but it was worth a shot. At least if I was losing my mind someone would notice.

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