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When I came to, we had Jack sitting behind me, and Bethie down between my legs, a blanket covering them, and the windows had something blocking the view.

"What-" I begin, before Jack runs his hand through my hair.

"It's the baby. The baby's coming." Bethie tells me.

"Alright, now, when I tell you to push, you push." Bethie tells me, and I look to Jack, terrified.

"You've got this, love. I believe in you, now you get that baby out, so that we can show your baby the world." He tells me, kissing the side of my head.

"Alright, Anna-Marie, are you ready?" Bethie asks.

"As I'll ever be." I answer, and she puts her hand on my knee.

"Now, push." She instructs, and I push as hard as I can, causing a loud scream to escape my mouth, and sweat to form.

"Come on, I can almost see the head. Alright, sister, push." She repeats, and I repeat the action I had done before, and she nods.

"Okay, the baby's almost here. You're doing amazing, Anna. You've got this." She tells me, and I push one more time, this push more powerful than the last, and all you could hear besides my screaming, was the crying of the baby that had just been brought into the world.

"Oh, Anna, she's so beautiful." Bethie tells me, and I laugh, the tears falling.

"Is she? Can I see her?" I ask, and Bethie shakes her head, before grabbing my dagger, and cutting the umbilical cord.

"I need some water to clean her." Bethie tells Jack, and he nods, grabbing a bucket, and leaving the room.

"Once we get her all cleaned, you can hold her. Be careful, she's a bit small, but she looks just like you, Anna." Bethie tells me, and I chuckle.

Jack comes back, with a bucket full of water, and Bethie sticks the baby in the bucket, lightly splashing small amounts of water on her, to clean her. Jack takes a piece of the curtain, and cuts it, before handing it to Bethie, making that bath much easier.

When Bethie had dried the baby, she set her on my chest, and the baby stretched out, and yawned.

"She's perfect, Bethie, thank you." I told my sister.

"She had to come out." Bethie jokes, before sitting on the bed next to me.

"I don't know what to name her." I tell Bethie, and Jack kneels down next to me.

"She's beautiful but what about Lilian?" Jack suggests.

"Lilly-Anne Swann. I like it." I tell him, and Bethie smiles.

"That's beautiful, love." He tells me, kissing my forehead.

"I'm tired, can I sleep now?" I ask, and he nods, blowing the candles out.

"Get some sleep, darling. You're going to need it." He tells me, before him and Bethie sit on the floor next to the bed, as me and the baby rest.

"My tremendous intuitive sense of the female creature informs me that you are... troubled." Jack whispers.

"I just thought I'd be married by now. I'm so ready to be married." She whispers back.

"Lizzie, I am Captain of a ship and being Captain of a ship I could, in fact, perform a marriage right here. Right on this deck. Right now. Whenever you two wanted." He tells her, grabbing the bottle of rum that was settled under the bed.

"No, thank you." She tells him, handing him the bottle back.

"I meant you and William, I'm happy where I am, with Anna-Marie." He tells her, which causes my eyes to shoot open.

"She loves you, Jack. You're the only man outside of Father that she trusts since the incident. She told me herself that she can't be without you. I know how happy you are. She's just as happy. She wants to spend the rest of her life with you, she just let you name her baby. She let you be in the room when she had her baby. She was hit on by Norrington and not once did her thoughts leave you. In the month you were gone, she was waiting, and waiting, she sat by the window, and every time a boat came in or left, she was down at the docks. So, don't hurt her. She doesn't love often, but when she does, she loves you for an eternity." Bethie tells him, and I close my eyes, trying to drift off to sleep.

"I have no intention of hurting her, Elizabeth. I feel the same way towards your sister. Every day that we sailed further and further from Port Royal, it felt as if there was a string tying us together, and it physically hurt to be apart from her. I hope to be the man that she wants to spend the rest of her life with, because I know she's my woman." He tells Bethie, and Bethie laughs.

"You should just propose already with the way you two are talking right now." She jokes, and I hear Jack pull something out of a drawer in the desk.

"This used to be my mother's. I never had any reason for it, besides sentimental value. Now, I do. I just hope we can survive Davy Jones. If we do, then I'll ask. If not, then, well, I'll find someway for her to get this." He tells her.

"It's beautiful, and unique." Bethie tells him, grabbing the ring from the box, admiring the skulls and black crystals.

As soon as I tried to drift off, I heard the door open.

"We're here." Norrington announces, and looks at the ring in Jack's hand.

Jack walked over to me, but I was already leaning up, my hand under Lily, as I did so.

"I need Gibbs to watch Lily. I'm going with you." I tell him, and Jack smiles, nodding.

"Let's go."

We all stepped onto the deck, and Jack walked up to two of the crew members.

"Guard the boat, mind the waters, I need my jar of dirt." He tells them, before we all climb into the small boat.

We eventually reach the island, and Bethie leads the way with the compass, Jack walking beside me, his hand on my lower back. 

I look down, noticing I have clear sight of the compass, which the needle pointed to the man who stood next to me.

I look between her and Jack, I knew nothing had happened between them besides drunk conversations. Maybe it was my insecurities, but a part of me doubted what they had both told me.

"This doesn't work, and it certainly doesn't show what you want most." Bethie stats, before plopping in the sand.

"Beth, you're sitting on it." I tell her, and she stands.

"Move faster." Jack tells her, and whistles to Norrington to begin digging. Norrington, obliged, but not without staring at me the whole way there. 

O, Captain, My Captain| Jack Sparrow #2Where stories live. Discover now