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Jack sat next to me, his hand holding mine, as we waited for a sign that Norrington had something.

We were just laughing, and making small talk, before Norrington hits something hard.

We get up and look into the hole, where a chest lay.

"Is this the chest?" I ask, and Jack pulls it up to his ear, and you could hear a thumping coming from the chest.

"It's real." Elizabeth mumbled, and Norrington looked between me and Jack.

"You were telling the truth." He states.

"Well, yes, I do that quite a lot, yet people are still surprised." Jack tells Norrington.

"With good reason." Will states walking towards us.

"Will! You're alright, thank God! I came to find you!" Bethie tells him, before kissing him.

"How did you get back?" I ask Will, and he laughs.

"Sea turtles, mate. Strapped to my feet." He tells me, and Jack steps up to me.

"Not so easy is it?" Jack asks, jokingly.

"But I do owe you thanks, Jack." William tells Jack.

"You do?" Jack asks.

"After you tricked me onto that ship, to square your debt with Jones." William begins.

"What?" Elizabeth asks.

"What?" Jack repeats, in a high pitched voice.

"You didn't tell her the truth?" I ask him, and he looks between the three of us.

"It doesn't matter, I was reunited with my father." WIlliam tells us.

"Oh, well, you're welcome then." Jack answers.

"Everything you told me, everything was a lie!" Bethie shouts.

"No, not everything. I meant what I said in the cabin, but everything else is time and tide, love." He tells her.

Will unsheathes his father's sword, and kneels to the chest, trying to break the chest.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Jack asks.

"I'm gonna kill Jones." Will answers.

"Can't let you do that, William. 'Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh? Now, if you please. The key." Jack demands, holding his hand out.

William takes Bethie's sword, pointing it at Jack, which I drew my blade, and Norrington drew his sword, pointing it to William.

"I can't allow this, William." I tell him,and he scoffs when he looks at me.

"I keep the promises I make, Jack. I intend to free my father. And I hope you're here to see it." William tells us.

"I showed you how to make a blade, not use it." He tells me.

"Now, I'm a very fast learner. I'm also quick on my feet. You don't need to teach me to use a blade." I tell William, before William steps forward.

"I can't let you do that, either. So sorry." Norrington tells William.

"I knew you'd warm up to me eventually." Jack tells him, and Norrington smiles.

"Lord Beckett desires the contents of that chest. I deliver it: I get my life back." Norrington answers, looking at me.

"I see, you want what you couldn't have before. She's not going with you, Commodore." Jack tells him.

"We'll see." Norrington answers.

O, Captain, My Captain| Jack Sparrow #2Where stories live. Discover now