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We all stood around the creek, humming softly, holding candles, in memorial of the great man whose life we lost. I held Lily on my hip, and a candle in one hand.

"Miss Swann?" Gibbs called.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Would you like me to take Lily from you for a little while?" Gibbs asks.

"If she leaves, she'll start crying, and I barely have the strength to not cry myself. Thank you for the offer, Mr. Gibbs." I tell him, and he nods, giving me a sad smile, as I stare at the ring that sat upon my finger.

"He did love you, Anna-Marie." Elizabeth tells me, stepping beside me.

"You would know, wouldn't you?" I ask, coldly, not looking at her.

"I had to save us, Anna. Davy Jones was after Jack. Not the Pearl. Not me, not you, not Lily, or William-" She begins.

"Don't you dare bring my daughter into this. You took the only man she would have known as her father from her. You brought my daughter into this world, and took the one man I knew I will trust out of it. You protected me from Norrington when he was flirting with me. You helped raise me when Father was away. However, you kissed the man I was with, knowing full and well I was in love with him, and you chained him to the deck of my biological father's ship, taking not only the man I love, but the last thing I had of my father. You left Jack Sparrow to die. Davy Jones might have guaranteed his death, but you, you are the one who murdered him. I love you, Elizabeth, but right now, I can't stand to look at you." I tell her, and she sighs.

"I did what was best for you." She tells me before heading inside.

We all head inside, Tia Dalma serving everyone drinks, Elizabeth first.

"Against the cold. Against the sorrow." She tells Elizabeth, as Elizabeth takes a cup, looking haunted, as if Tia Dalma knew.

"It's a shame, I know you're thinking about the Pearl." Tia Dalma tells me, as I take a cup.

"It was my father's ship. The only thing I had left. So I lost the man I love, and the last thing my father gave me. So my daughter lost her father figure, I lost the man I love, and the rest of the crew lost a captain and a good friend. Doesn't matter now. The pearl's gone. With the captain." I tell them, taking a huge gulp of the ale she gave us.

"Aye, and already the world seems less bright. He fooled us all, right up until the end, but I guess that honesty streak finally won out." Gibbs says, and William moves over to me, leaving his fiancée's side.

"To Captain Jack Sparrow!" We cheered, raising our mugs in goodbye to the man I'd fallen for.

"Never another like Jack Sparrow." Ragetti speaks up after a few moments of silence.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was." Pintel agrees.

"He was a good man." Elizabeth speaks up, me and William say nothing but stare at her.

"If there was any way to bring him back, Anna-Marie-" William begins, before Tia Dalma speaks up.

" Would you do it? Hmm?" Tia Dalma asks William.

"Of course." He answers.

What would you? Hmm?" She asks me.

"I'd go to hell and back for that man." I answer, not knowing how literal that statement was about to become.

"What would any of you be Willing to do? Hmm? Will you sail to the ends of the earth and beyond to fetch back Jack and his precious Pearl?" She asks the rest.

"Aye!" The entire crew shouts.

"Awk! Aye!" Mac cries out, before landing on my shoulder, and I pet his head with my finger.

"Yes." Elizabeth states. Nodding, looking at me.

"Aye." Williams says, softly, nodding as well.

" All right, but if you're going to brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end... then, you Will need a Captain who knows those waters." Tia Dalma answers.

"That's true, but the only captain that I'm aware of is dead. Jack himself killed him." I state, before the exact man I spoke of walks down the stairs.

"So, tell me, what's become of my ship?" Barbossa calls out.

"Father?" I ask.

"That's right. I'm back!" He shouts, as Jack, the monkey, jumps on his shoulder, I get up and run to him hugging him, crying. I know I didn't know my father very well, but I'm still glad he's back, and this is exactly what I needed.

"Let's go save Jack Sparrow." Barbossa calls, and the entirety of the crew cheers at the idea.

O, Captain, My Captain| Jack Sparrow #2Where stories live. Discover now