Race against time

14 1 0

0 looked through as many cabinets as possible but found nothing. What was Dr. Andie all worked up about? The experiments? Maybe he just needed a day off? He looked through every cabinet he could think of that could possibly have the answer to that question. 0 finally got to the file he needed. The file was a document from earlier that day, and probably had what he was looking for. 0 quickly opened up the file and looked through it until he got to a sort of... Execution experiment? It said how to make some sort of illness... 0 stared at the paper, unsure of what to do. He folded the paper and put it in his pocket. He was going to look at that paper later. Though, if Dr. Green found out about him being here... Then he would be in deep trouble. 0 sprinted towards his cell, closed the door, and tried to go to sleep.••• Aidan was staring at the crime scene, frozen in place. He slowly made his way to the body in the middle of the floor and looked at the shirt to see what subject he was. Subject 135. 'How many subjects does this place have?' Aidan wondered, briefly forgetting. He turned around and walked out of the room. He doubted he was supposed to see that. He walked past the many cells in the hall, only to stop at a cell. It read "Subject 0." 'Why is that kid Subject 0?' Aidan peeked inside the cell, only to see a dirty blonde boy on the ground, sleeping. He didn't want to wake "Subject 0" up, so he left to go look around the place some more. He needed as much information about the place as possible. He walked around for a bit until he saw someone banging on a door. "Hello. Why are you banging on the door?" Aidan asked. The man glanced in Aidan's direction before going back to banging on the door. Aidan yanked the man away from the door, afraid he would get blamed for property damage. "Sir! What do you need from that room?!" Aidan practically yelled at the man. "GET OFF ME! HE'S IN THERE WITH THE FILE, I SWEAR!" "S-Sir? What do you mean by that?"••• Dr. Andie was just standing there, devastated. 'Who did this? This is bad. Really bad. I need to do something! I can't let 0 find out about this.' Dr. Andie tried everything to get what he needed. He needed to find a cure for 0's illness. He tried researching cures and how they are made. He did everything he could possibly think of. Dr. Andie looked over at the appointments. He thought of an idea. He set up another check-up for 0. He was going to run some tests to see what the illness actually did. Dr. Andie could still hear Dr. Jamie outside, so he went out the exit inside the room and went back into the lab through the front entrance. Dr. Andie walked past the hundreds of cells in the hallway, and up to an experimenting room. He started setting up the tests that he would run on 0.••• Aidan watched as the man in front of him tried to explain what he was doing, but he wasn't really paying attention to the story. He was thinking about what he saw on his first day. The body, a kid named Subject 0, and a few other things. Luckily, he only had to be there for 2 weeks. "And that's what happened! You've got to believe me!" Aidan snapped out of his train of thought to look at the man staring desperately at Aidan. Aidan stared at the man for a few seconds before speaking. "Name?" The man was hesitant at answering the questions. This only raised Aidan's suspicions of this man. He was acting incredibly strange. 'But, what exactly do I expect from a ton of mad scientists?' "Dr. Jamie." Aidan's suspicions were through the roof at that point. He made a mental note to speak to this "Dr. Jamie" later. Also to that "Subject 0" kid later. He got up and sprinted to the janitor's closet. In the middle laid a sleeping bag where Aidan laid down and tried going to sleep.••• Dr. Andie was up until 4 A.M. The night was pretty uneventful, just a few scary noises here and there. He set up a ton of tests made specifically for 0. He was sitting at a desk, working on the tests, trying not to fall asleep. But then that failed. At 5 in the morning, he finally drifted off.

Subject 0Where stories live. Discover now