Hidden Secrets

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Aidan checked shelves, the floor, and behind the shelves. Unfortunately, he couldn't find what he was looking for. He sighed and sat back down on the floor. "What are you doing?" asked Aidan when he saw 0 looking around the closet. 0 quickly turned his attention back to Aidan. With his usual monotone voice, he calmly replied "I know what you are looking for. You're trying to find something to use to open the suitcase. I was trying to help." Aidan looked a bit surprised at 0's response but nodded. "Thank you. But you don't have to." Aidan said. Aidan looked down at the suitcase, and he started wondering what was even in the suitcase. While he didn't know what was in the suitcase, he had a feeling it was important. Aidan's mind wandered back to 56. Aidan was still worried sick about him. What if he was hurt? 0 saw Aidan's expression change from surprise, to neutral, and then to worry. 0 had a feeling he knew what Aidan was worried about, and 0 was a bit worried too. Back in the recovery room, he saw Dr. Andie talking to another kid. The kid was wearing a subject shirt with the number "1473." But then he remembered that the kid called Aidan by the name "Oliver." "Hey, Aidan." Aidan looked up at 0, and 0 asked "Why did that kid call you Oliver?" 0 saw that Aidan was a bit surprised, but Aidan responded. "It's a nickname." 0 gave Aidan a look that said he didn't believe him. If that was true, how the hell did Aidan get that nickname? Aidan quietly asked "What did the kid look like?" with a look of slight hope mixed with desperation. "The kid was wearing a subject shirt. 1473 was written on it." 0 responded. Aidan had a look of hope on his face. Aidan didn't see 56 since he passed out from the injuries. At least he knew that 56 wasn't hurt when Aidan was being beaten up. But then realization hit him like a truck. Aidan was out for 18 hours. He checked the clock, panicked, and saw that it has been 4 hours since he woke up. Which meant there were 2 hours left in the day. Which meant he had 5 days left to help everyone, and that 56 has been missing for 22 hours.

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