Trapped in a cage

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56 woke up, and his eyes immediately widened. He was able to feel, hear, taste, smell, and see again. But that wasn't what frightened him. He slowly lifted himself off the ground and looked around in his cell. He attempted to stop himself from crying but failed. 'I'm stuck in here again...' 56 thought to himself. ••• Dr. Andie sat down on the ground, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. He tried to take deep breaths but failed. It didn't help that he was worried sick for 0, 1473, and Aidan. Wait, where is 1473? Dr. Andie got up and stood for a moment, mentally preparing himself to run again. He sped down the hallway, taking out his gun. Just in case someone tried to hurt them. He never shot anyone before, but he thought that if someone saw the gun, they would maybe run away. Dr. Andie then decided to look in the cells. He arrived at the hallway of cells and went towards a random abandoned cell labeled cell #56. He looked through the bars of the cell, but no sign of life was present in the cell. He unlocked the cell door and started to look for any sign that someone was in there. The floors were coated in dust, making Dr. Andie question if the cells were sanitary enough to prevent the subjects from getting sick. He exited the cell and looked down the rows of cells. The cells felt like they were taunting him. What if he didn't find those three soon, then Aidan would get hurt, and 0 and 1473 would end up back in those cells. Or worse. He looked down the rows of cells and sighed. 'This is gonna take forever...'••• Aidan looked at the suitcase while 0 was eating. He found a bag of peanuts on the floor, and to his luck, the peanuts were edible. He saw that the suitcase had a lock, and started looking around for something to unlock it. Like a Bobby pin or something. He looked in corners, knowing that the corners are the most likely place you'll find a Bobby pin. "What are you looking for?" Aidan glanced at 0, who had a blank expression on his face. "Nothing," Aidan replied. 0 and Aidan had a mini staring contest for a few seconds before Aidan went back to looking for something to help. 0 looked at the suitcase, seeing the metal lock on the suitcase. He was probably looking for something to try and open it. He decided to help by searching too. His mind eventually began wandering back to Dr. Andie. Where was he?

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