Much needed help

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Dr. Andie woke up on the floor. 'Have I fell asleep here? I still need to finish those tests...' He grabbed onto the table and lifted himself off the ground and took one long look at the test he was working on before he fell asleep. 'It's still not completed...' Dr. Andie looked over all of the things he had to do that day. 'I'll just get another doctor to take over for me... And I'll just tell Dr. Green that I'm working on a project...' Dr. Andie stepped out into the hallway and saw doctors passing by with subjects, leading them to the experimentation rooms to use whatever torture techniques they were planning on doing. Dr. Andie stopped a random doctor that was just passing by. "Sorry to bother you. But can you please take over for me? I am working on an important project." Dr. Andie handed his schedule to the unknown doctor. She grabbed it out of his hand and looked over it. She looked up at Dr. Andie and nodded. "Sure. I'll go tell Dr. Green." She put his schedule in her pocket and faded into the sea of doctors and subjects. Dr. Andie closed the door, grabbed some more tools, and went back to work. 'Today is going to be a long day...'••• Aidan woke up to a loud, clanging noise. 'What the hell?' He dragged himself out of his sleeping bag and opened the door to investigate. Aidan listened carefully so that he can figure out where the noise was coming from. The second he stepped out, a subject bumped into him and fell, taking Aidan with him. After collecting his thoughts, he took a look at the subject's shirt to see which subject bumped into him. Subject 56. Aidan picked up the armless 9-year-old and looked to his left to see a doctor glaring toward Aidan. He then realized the doctor was glaring at 56, not him. Aidan stood in front of 56, shielding him from the scientist. "Why the fuck are you protecting that piece of shit?!" Aidan cringed at the angry doctor. He did not expect him to be that angry. "And why are you calling him that? That's seriously fucked up, sir." Aidan carefully put 56 in the janitor's closet and felt Dr. Shithead kick his back. Aidan closed the door and turned to face the doctor. He finally noticed his name tag. Dr. Marcy. Aidan stepped away from Dr. Marcy, letting him fall to the floor after he tried to kick him a second time. Aidan had enough of this. He opened the door, closed it, and locked it. Aidan sighed in relief and turned to face the frightening subject in the corner. "Hey... Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" 56 spared Aidan a glance before facing the corner again. He probably thought that Aidan was going to hurt him... "W-Who are you?" "My name is Aidan. I'm the janitor working here." Aidan thought for a moment about the next thing he was going to do. Should he tell this kid his true intentions? "Well... Kinda. I'm here to help all the subjects here. I know you guys are tortured here. And I need your help because the doctors are suspicious of me." That grabbed 56's attention. "How are you going to h-help us?" That question stumped Aidan. He actually didn't know how he was going to help these kids. He only had 2 weeks before it's all over for him. For the subjects. "I-I'm not sure. But I'll figure it out... I just need your help." 56 thought for a moment. Should he trust Aidan? What if he's lying? But he was desperate to get out of this laboratory. He was going to get out of there if it was that last thing that he did. And maybe... Aidan was the key to that goal. Also, he needed a friend. "Ok... I'll help you. But promise me that you'll help all of us..." "I promise."

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