A new identity

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56 stared at the shirt. He couldn't believe he was back to square 1. 56 sprinted towards the door and started banging on it. He looked at the shirt that was laying on the floor. 'How am I supposed to put that on?' He thought. 'I don't even have arms!' After about 15 minutes, 56 finally got the shirt over his other shirt. He figured out how to stand up on his own, and used his foot to open the door. 56 stepped out of the room. He walked down the dark hallway, hoping that a scientist wouldn't catch him. 'Is it just me, or is the hallway getting longer with every step I take?' 56 thought. After what felt like hours, 56 heard shouting from the end of the hallway. He started sprinting to the source of the shouting, stumbling as he did so. 56 arrived and carefully glanced at what was going on from behind the corner, and froze. Aidan was on the ground, and he was bleeding.•••Dr. Andie quietly opened the door ever so slightly and grabbed the suitcase. The guards didn't even have a chance to register what was going on before Dr. Andie slammed the suitcase on their heads. Dr. Andie dragged the two guards inside and shoved the guards and Dr. Jamie into a corner. Dr. Andie grabbed 0's arm and led 0 back to where they were before. The recovery room. Dr. Andie made 0 sit down on a bed, and quietly left the room, locking the door. He then hurried back to the room and grabbed two subjects. Dr. Andie rushed the two subjects to his office. 'It's too dangerous to just take them back to their cells...' Dr. Andie thought to himself. 'Their cells would be the first places Dr. Green would look when Dr. Green finds out they are missing.' Dr. Andie grabbed a notepad and wrote down the subjects' locations so Dr. Andie could track them down. Dr. Andie quickly ran back to the room and managed to get three subjects. He took the three subjects to the recovery room with 0. 'If I separate the subjects around the lab, then it would be harder for Dr. Green to find all of them..' Dr. Andie grabbed four subjects and took two to an abandoned cell, and two to another abandoned cell, and wrote down where the subjects were. It took an hour, but Dr. Andie hid the subjects all in separate locations. He made sure to give the subjects food and water and made sure that none of the hiding spaces were obvious. Dr. Andie put the list of locations of the subjects in his pocket and went to an experiment room to try to make a cure for the subjects.••• Aidan waited until the scientists left him alone. He pretended to be knocked unconscious, so the doctors left him there. He tried getting up, but the pain was unbearable. 56 quickly ran over to Aidan and started crying. Aidan saw this and tried to comfort the boy. "Don't worry... I'm f-fine..." Aidan stuttered as he tried to lift himself off the ground. Aidan gripped the wall and managed to stand up. For him, the world was spinning. He didn't care. Aidan slowly hugged 56. 56 saw Aidan's black eye. Aidan's nose was bleeding (it was probably broken) and Aidan was struggling to not lose his balance. Aidan's condition was horrible. 56 eventually calmed down, and he told Aidan to follow him. 56 was familiar with the layout of the lab, so it didn't take long for them to arrive at the recovery room. 56 tried opening the door with his foot, only to realize that the door was locked. That was when he started to panic. "Oliver, do you have a key?" 56 asked anxiously, accidentally using Aidan's fake name. "Sorry, I-I don't... Don't worry... I'll b-be fine..." Aidan responded. Aidan sat down and gave 56 a weak smile. 56 wasn't convinced, and 56 knew that Aidan needed medical care as soon as possible.

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