S. Geto | Cigarettes

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Ah, yes. Your daily smoke.

You pull out the last cigar from its small box, grabbed your lighter and clicked on it, the small flame was forced out of it as you lit the cigar before letting go of the lighter, shoving it back inside your pocket, taking the cigarette between your lips, inhaling it and pull it away from your lips, huffing out the smoke you've inhaled.

"Just what the hell is wrong with me?" You ask yourself, looking up at the sky, placing your arms on the railings and taking the cigarette back into your lips, repeating the same process from earlier, huffing out the smoke. "This is so frustrating." You groaned, squeezing your eyes shut and opening them once again, your eyes looking down at the city filled with lights, the spaces filled with buildings and roads filled with vehicles. "Just what are you doing to me?" You mumble under your breath, taking the cigarette back into your mouth.

You see, you were slowly falling in love with your classmate named Suguru. Honestly, he was attractive and you even thought to yourself that he must be packing. You've always found yourself staring at the man who was busy talking to a white-haired dude, laughing and chatting at each other at the back of the class meanwhile you were in the first row and column, a little far away from his seat. Sometimes, he'd catch you staring at him and you'd immediately look away with your cheeks heating, placing your palms against it and mentally squeal like a schoolgirl. You badly wanted to confess but at the same time, you had a feeling he'd reject you and you'll just embarrass yourself.

You always saw him talking to other girls outside the school campus since there were only four students in the class and you and Shoko were the only girls. Because of this, jealousy would always be taking over your mind but you didn't take it too seriously at all. He'd probably call you crazy if you would just randomly yell at the girls and act like a total yandere. Embarrassing.

"God damn it." You huffed the smoke out of your lungs, shaking your head and continued thinking of the man.

One of the reasons why you couldn't get yourself to confess was that his best friend, Gojo Satoru was getting in the way, always keeping him busy, taking all of your chances away and that only made you sigh in failure whenever you were just about to approach him and ask him if he ever wants to hang out. 

Well, sometimes you guys would hang out but of course, Gojo would always be there, sometimes Shoko would also show up and it made you pout in defeat, now realizing that there was no hope for you to confess. Either way, who the hell would just approach their crush and casually tell them that they like them as if no one is watching them? It'd be a risk, honestly. What if he laughs at you for falling in love with him? He would probably make fun of your feelings too and maybe his friend would join him.

"I don't have the balls. . ." 

You weren't scared of anything at all but confessing to him? You were scared of the fact you started avoiding him and because of that, he was starting to notice it, the way you would take a quick glance at him and then turn your back on him or turn away before walking off was making him think he did something wrong to you. But, the way your eyes would take a glance at his face was honestly making him blush, his friend noticed the visible blush on his cheek and laugh before looking around and finding the person making him blush. 

"Someone please help me. . ." 

"Help you with what, (Y/N)?" You flinched, quickly turning your head around to see your crush, Suguru, making your eyes widen, a blush forming on your cheeks as you look away and cleared your throat. "Nothing! I was just thinking of something. . ." You bit your bottom lip, your mind trying to tell you to calm down and act normal. 'Stop panicking! You'll die from a heart attack!' 

"Do you have more cigars there? I've run out."

"No. . . This is my last one." You stated, not looking at him but keeping your eyes on the buildings, trying to take your mind away from your such thoughts.

Suddenly, you felt the cigar slip from your fingers as you turn your head to your side, your eyes snapping to Suguru who now had the cigar between his lips, inhaling the smoke from the stick, your eyes widening at his sudden actions.

His eyes looked down at you, the lump in your throat getting swallowed, your eyes wanting to look away but at the same time, you couldn't get yourself to look away, your hand wrapped around the railing got tighter as he slowly takes the cigar from his lips, huffing out the smoke.

"That was mine. . ." You mumble under your breath, a hum coming from him, his eyes still on yours. "Oh, sorry. Here you go." 

He smiled, placing the cigar back onto your lips, slightly pushing it inside your mouth, your blush slowly got visible at his actions, dirty thoughts filling your mind and you take the cigar, his hand being pulled away from you. 

"How long have you been here?"

"A couple of minutes ago, then you started to talk to yourself. I decided to listen." Your heart skipped a beat, trying to remember if you've ever mentioned his name earlier. "You were talking about someone. Is it me?"

You quickly shake your head, telling him that it was someone else but he spoke once again.

"You've been avoiding me, (Y/N). You'd always stare at me and then look away whenever I stare back. Why is that?" He grins, lowering his head to take a good look at your blushing state. "Look at that, you're blushing, (Y/N)." He chuckles, placing a hand behind your head.

"Do you like me, (Y/N)? Be honest." His lips were a few inches from yours - your lips parting from each other, letting the cigarette fall from your lips.

"For almost two months. . ." You mumble under your breath as your eyes widened at what you just said, quickly trying to back away from him but he pushed your head closer to his, his lips smashing onto yours, butterflies filling your stomach as you kiss him back, closing your eyes and you savour it - forgetting the cigarette.

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