Slate- Gray Sky

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A sullen silence seeps into the house
and hangs over it
thick and suffocating.
you lie in bed
curled up on top of the sheets
and the lights are shut off
the only illumination is
the lethargic light from
the slate gray sky outside.
There's nothing to look forward to
your dreams and inspirations
were slaughtered long ago.
you are
as bland and dead
as the sky is now.
And the world is
just as broken
it is ridden with
racism and sexism and hate and ignorance
and disrespect and a million other things.
You seem to be the only one who sees this
because everyone else
is swept away by
You were once passionate about
mending society
scrawling out lists of
problems to address
when you become a
writer and an activist,
but even that zeal
dwindled away to nothing
along with your ego
and your spirit
and you can lie to yourself
say you've merely
"grown up"
but you know
it's because of
their words
shots fired
at Who You Are
and they all
hit home

Death and Other Fun Stuff (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now