You Fail a Test

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Leonard: Leonard, Sheldon, Raj, and Howard were sitting at their normal table in Caltech's cafeteria, debating about comic books, as per usual. What wasn't usual was the call Leonard got halfway through the discussion. He pulled out his phone and looked at the screen. "Sorry, guys, it's (Y/N)'s school. I have to take this." He got up and left. Sheldon, Howard, and Raj continued their discussion, not thinking much of it until Leonard got back. The distant look on his face made his friends pause.

"You okay, there, buddy?" Howard asked, genuinely concerned.

"Can one of you take Sheldon home?" he asked, not really answering. "I have to go."

"Wait, what happened?"

"(Y/N) had a panic attack." Everyone froze.

"She had a panic attack? Did she tell you what happened?" Howard asked. Leonard shook his head.

"Do you want us to go with you?" Raj followed. "I swear, I will drive as fast as possible and run every red light to make sure we get there in five minutes." Leonard shook his head again.

"No, I'm just gonna go alone. I don't want to overwhelm her. I'm sorry, I need to leave now, I don't want to waste much time. I'll see you guys later." With that, Leonard grabbed his tray, threw out his lunch, and went to his car.

Ten minutes later, he was running into the front office. "Hi, I'm Leonard Hoffstatder, (Y/N)'s dad. I'm here to pick her up," he said, unable to keep the panic from seeping into his voice. The secretary nodded and pointed him towards the nurse's office. He walked as quickly as he could without running and knocked on the door. You were sitting in a chair, hugging your backpack and staring at the ground. Leonard knelt in front of you.

"Hey, Clone," he said softly. "I'm here now, alright? Everything's going to be okay. Do you want to tell me what happened?" You shook your head.

"I wanna go home," you whispered. Leonard's heart shattered when he heard how small your voice was.

"Okay, (Y/N), we can do that." You both stood up, and he let you hold onto his sleeve like you did when you were little. He signed you out of school and guided you to the car. "Is there anything you need before we get home? Some water? We can stop and get (favorite comfort food) if you want. We could hang out in the comic book store all afternoon, too. That could be calming." You shook your head. 

"I don't deserve it," you mumbled. Leonard frowned. 

"Of course you do, (Y/N). What makes you think that?" Tears began to pool in your eyes again.

"I-I f-failed my History test," you said. "I missed one day 'cause I had an appointment with the guidance counselor, and then we had a pop quiz, and I didn't know anything, and we got them back today and I failed. I should've studied, a-and I should've worked harder, a-and I can't fail, I can't, I'm supposed to be smart like you 'cause you're my dad and I'm supposed to be like you, but I'm not, and I-I--" Your breath started to get shallower and shallower.

"Whoa, whoa, (Y/N). Slow down, okay, honey? Breathe with me. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight." Leonard demonstrated, and you tried to copy him. "(Y/N), it's okay. You did the best you could. I promise, even Sheldon couldn't have passed a test on something he never learned. And you can't study for a pop quiz, and the teacher should've excused it since you weren't there anyway. That's on him, not you." You nodded, still doing your breathing exercise. "And what's all this about how you're supposed to be like me since I'm your dad?"

"E-every time I see Reese and her dad, I notice that they have the same hair and the same eyes and the same laugh, and they both do that thing where they lick their fingers before they turn pages in books. Reese says she wants to be a writer just like him, too. They're the same. I want to be like you, too." Leonard sniffled and wiped his eyes.

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