What You Want to Be When You Grow Up

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Leonard: You loved cartoons and anime. You could spend hours scrolling through Google on your dad's phone, looking at fanart. On a school field trip to an art museam, you were one of the few kids who weren't bored. And, most importantly, you loved drawing and painting. You could spend hours with a scetchpad and pencils and be content. Your friend Reece wrote part of a comic strip once, and you drew it. She loved it, and you decided to do a combination of animation, comic books, and whatever else struck your fancy.

Sheldon: You loved your dad's job. It was complicated, but neat and organized in a way that made sense, somehow. Every equation had one right answer, which was comforting to you. Lately, though, you were really into stars. Drawing constellations, reading about black holes, watching Neil DeGras Tyson documentaries whenever Sheldon wasn't home(he was still mad about Pluto). You couldn't choose which interested you more, physics or astronomy. So, you decided to get the best of both worlds and become an astrophysicist.

Howard: TV was a huge part of life with your family. You spent countless hours deep in worlds of spaceships and aliens. Every year, you watched Penny and Raj cry over the latest chick flick, listened to the spirited debates your family often got into over Batman or Star Wars, and saw thousands of people all dress up and come together to celebrate all things nerdy at Comic Con. You didn't know exactly how, but you knew that all of it gave all these people strong, profound feelings. You wanted to cause those feelings. That's why you wanted to be a writer, though whether you wanted to do comic books, novels, or screenplays you weren't sure.

Raj: Food was everything. You helped your dad with dinner every night and you often tried new recipes together. When your friends were feeling down or going through something rough, you were always there with a shoulder to cry on and homemade treats. Whenever you weren't at school or one of your uncle's or Penny's homes, you were watching Martha Stuart's show or Chopped. You loved all the warm, happy feelings you got from food, and wanted to share them. So, you decided you wanted to be a chef.

Penny: You loved seeing your mom perform, both on screen and in person. When you got old enough, you even helped her memorize her lines for stuff when you both had time. One day, you saw a poster for auditions for a production of Into The Woods Jr. You begged Penny to let you sign up, and she did. You managed to land the roll of the Witch. The next few months were nonstop rehearsals, memorizing lines, and improving your singing. When opening night finally arrived, everything was perfect. The moment you took a bow to the applause and cheers of the audience was the moment you knew you wanted to be an actress.

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