Your First Word

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Leonard: You were listening to Leonard and Sheldon argue, as they usually did. "I'm just saying I want to turn up the thermostat a little!"

"That is against the roommate agreement."

"Screw the roommate agreement! Sheldon, we have a baby in the apartment now, and I think the apartment needs to be a little warmer."

"The thermostat is set at 71 degrees. It doesn't need to be higher."

"Yes it does, Sheldon, we have a baby in the apartment."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I just think (Y/N) is cold, that's all." You are not cold. In fact, Sheldon's right. 71 degrees is a comfortable temperature. As Leonard and Sheldon continue to argue, you try to tell them you're fine. Leonard turned to you and asked, "Are you cold (Y/N)?"

"She's only a baby. She doesn't know if she's cold!"

"No," you say. "No cold." Leonard's face lit up.

"You just said your first word (Y/N)! I'm so proud of you!"

"Indeed, it is a fine accomplishment, especially since you proved me right."

"How did she prove you right?"

"No cold," you chirped.

"See? She's not cold."

"Whatever. We have to tell Penny!"

Sheldon: Sheldon had carried you over across the hall to talk to Penny about something. After Sheldon did his knocking, Penny opened the door. "What Sheldon," she asked.

"I was wondering if...." You zoned out as Sheldon spoke to Penny. It didn't interest you at all. Not much did, since you were a baby. You looked inside Penny's apartment. It was messy. You looked around the floor. Boring. You saw it every day. You watched the stairs, hoping Howard or Raj would show up. It was always fun seeing them. Howard tried to give you candy, Sheldon and Raj yelled at him, and Leonard watched with a smile on his face. It always made you giggle.

"Well, maybe Leonard is tired of you always...." You continued to watch the stairs. You really wanted Howard and Raj to show up.

"I do not...." You watch for Howard and Raj and listen for their footsteps. You had heard Sheldon say it was Halo night earlier.... You loved Halo night. You thought it would start soon. You hadn't had your bottle yet, and it was getting dark. Then you heard voices on the stairwell.

"I know, right? Sheldon is so annoying!"

"He makes good points though. And he's raising (Y/N) well." You grinned at Raj's accent. Then you hit Sheldon's shoulder with your little hand. "Daddy!" you yelled in his ear. Sheldon turned to look at you.

"(Y/N)--" Then he gasped. "That was your first word!" Sheldon grinned at Penny. "That was her first word. And she called me Daddy." You looked over Sheldon's shoulder. Howard and Raj were visible.

"Daddy!" you said to Sheldon, pointing at Raj and Howard.

"Wolowitz, Koothrappali, (Y/N) said her first word! Let's tell Leonard!"

Howard: You were sitting in Leonard's living room with Howard, Raj, and Leonard. Sheldon was gone. "Hey, did you know Sheldon's grandmother calls him Moonpie?" Leonard asked Howard and Raj. You giggled in Howard's lap.

"Really? Why?" Raj asked.

"Because he's nummy nummy and she could just eat him up," Leonard answered, grinning. You giggled again. You liked Leonard. He was funny. Howard tickled you a little, making you giggle even more. He grinned down at you, staring into your (E/C) eyes. You grinned back at him.

"Hey Moonpie," he said to you, and you laughed and clapped your hands. "Do you like the sound of that? Moonpie?" You giggled and nodded. You zoned out as Leonard, Howard, and Raj started arguing about something.... Star Wars? Star Trek? Video game systems? You didn't care, you were a baby! You had better things to think about. You just looked around the apartment, thinking about all the things you could put in your mouth. Sheldon walked into the apartment. The others didn't even notice. You frowned. They should know there's someone else here. It was just Sheldon, but your daddy had told you to warn him when Sheldon was around.... You hit Howard's hands with your little ones.

"Moonpie," you yelled, and pointed to Sheldon. "Moonpie! Moonpie!" Sheldon grinned.

"Aww, she said my name." Howard stared at you in shock.

"That was her first word," he said, and Sheldon grinned some more.

Raj: You were in Raj's apartment, watching him cook. He was having a girl over for dinner. He had been dating her for a while now. You heard him say her name was Cecillia. You liked watching her. She wore a sparkly thing around her neck that you would love to put in your mouth. The apartment smelled nice. It always did when Raj cooked. You couldn't wait to put the stuff he made on that big square in your mouth.... You were kind of obsessed with putting things in your mouth. It was your hobby. Raj discouraged it, but you were a baby! You didn't listen to people.

Anyway, the Cecillia girl came over. She ate dinner with Raj, then they started talking. You didn't know what they were saying. You didn't really pay attention. It didn't interest you. Then the lady started yelling at Raj. You didn't like that at all. Your daddy was the sweetest, funniest, best guy you knew. The lady left, and slammed the door behind her. Raj sat on the couch for a while. He looked sad. Raj picked you up. "Bedtime (Y/N)," he said. You reached up and patted his head.

"Soft kitty," you said. "Soft kitty, soft kitty, kitty kitty kitty." Raj grinned.

"You just said your first word," he said. "I can't wait to tell Howard!"

Penny: You were having dinner and Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. You had already had your bottle at home. You were just there because Penny didn't like to leave you alone. Ever. She always wanted to be with you. She was anxious just leaving you with Leonard and Sheldon, because they usually had Howard and Raj over and would play violent video games and Howard would say creepy stuff.

Howard and Raj were over now. Penny had told them not to say anything inappropriate while you were around. Raj had whispered something to Howard, who had said, "Yeah Penny, she's just a baby. She doesn't care," earning him a glare from Penny. You were playing with a stuffed cat Sheldon had given you, claiming that he wanted you to have it since cats were much nicer that dogs or bears. You were cuddling it. Howard looked at you. "May I see that cat," he asked you. You shook your head and held your cat tighter. It was a gift from Sheldon! You weren't going to let Howard have it!

"Don't take her cat Wolowitz," Sheldon ordered. "It's special."

"Why, because you gave it to her," Howard asked.

"Yes," you answered for Sheldon. "Yes."

"Awww, that was your first word," Penny said. Leonard grinned.

"Congratulations," he said. Penny smiled at you, and kissed your forehead.

"We've got to go," she said. "Bye guys."

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