First Day of School(Howard)

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You are five years old now, because I said so.

"Wake up, Solo! Time to get ready for school!" You opened your eyes and sat up quickly. Howard was standing beside your bed, ready for work. You hopped out of bed and huried into the dining room. Howard poured you a bowl of Fruit Loops, which you ate as fast as you could. Then you put on your favorite t shirt, the one with Han Solo that says, "Never tell me the odds," and a pair of jeans. You sat still as Howard brushed your hair and pulled it up in a high ponytail. "Are you sure you want it like that," Howard had asked. "I'm sure your hair would look really pretty down." You shook your head.

"Han Solo would wear his hair in a ponytail, if he was a girl," you had said stubbornly. Howard had sighed, but he put your hair up in a ponytail. When he was finished, you kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, Daddy," you said.

"You're welcome, (Y/N)." You brushed your teeth and grabbed your backpack. Then Howard walked you outside, gave you a helmet, watched you put it on, and helped you onto his Vespa(you're a pretty independent kid, but you were simply too short to climb up by yourself). Howard climbed up front, put on his helmet, and then you were off! Kindergarten was waiting(I know, in Leonard's and Sheldon's you skipped kindergarten, but this is Howards, and Howard didn't think it was necessary for you to skip a grade). Howard stopped in front of the elementary school and helped you off the Vespa. You took off your helmet and set it on your seat. Howard kissed you on the forehead. "Bye, (Y/N). I love you," he said. "And remember, I'll be here to pick you up, okay?" You smiled at him.

"Okay," you said. You kissed Howard on the cheek. "Bye, Daddy. I love you." Howard hugged you and smiled at you, eyes full of pride.

"Have a great day, Solo," he said. You grinned at him.

"I will!" You turned and walked into the school. You found your classroom easily. The teacher hurried over to you.

"Hello," she said cheerfully. "I'm Mrs. Reynolds. What's your name?"

"(Y/N) Wolowitz," you said seriously. Mrs. Reynolds smiled at you and glanced at your t shirt.

"Are you a Star Wars fan," she asked. You nodded eagerly.

"Yeah! Han's totally the best. He's so cool, always shooting first and defying the Empire. He's super brave and loyal." Mrs. Reynolds laughed.

"Okay, (Y/N). I have you seated at that table over there, okay?" You nodded, and walked over to your seat. After about five seconds, kids started pouring into the classroom. You sat in your seat, and watched the other kids. Three kids sat at your table, two girls and a boy. One girl had curly blonde hair that touched her shoulders, green eyes, and freckles. The other had brown hair and blue eyes. The boy had a mop of black curls, brown eyes, and a tiny scar on his cheek. The blonde gave you a sunny smile. "Hi!" she said cheerfully. "My name is Mallory. This is Grace, and Ben." You smiled at her.

"(Y/N)," you said. "It's nice to meet all of you."

"Hi," Grace said. Ben smiled a little. You noted that he was a little shy. That's okay, you thought. I can do most of the talking. Mrs. Reynolds clapped her hands.

"Alright, guys!" she said cheerfully. "You're going to play a little game to get to know the kids sitting at your table. It's called two truths and a lie. You tell the other kids three things about you. Two are true, and one is a lie. The other people have to guess which one is the lie. Okay?" The kids in the room responded with a chorus of okays. You smiled at Mallory, Grace, and Ben.

"Who wants to go first," you asked.

"I will," Grace said, "then we can go clockwise." You all nodded. It sounded like a good plan. Grace got started. "I help my mom bake cookies every month, my favorite food is broccoli, and I can play the piano."

"You're favorite food is broccoli," you guessed. Grace grinned at you.

"Nope! I can't play the piano. My mom has been trying to teach me, though." Mallory went next.

"I fell asleep watching Star Wars once, my dad is a physicist, and Ben is my brother." You thought about it for a few seconds.

"You fell asleep watching Star Wars once?"

"Nope! My uncle is a physicist."

"What kind?"

"Theoretical, I think." You grinned at Mallory.

"Neat!" Mallory grins at you, then looks at Ben.

"You're turn," she says cheerfully.

"Okay," Ben said softly. "My favorite thing to do is build model cars, my absolute favorite Star Wars character is Han Solo, and I hate ice cream." You stared at him.

"You're absolute favorite Star Wars character is Han Solo," you guessed(I know you're doing all the guessing, but Ben, Grace, and Mallory all know each other. They know each other's answers already). Ben smiled at you.

"Yes! How'd you know?"

"You're wearing a Darth Vader t shirt." Ben smiled sheepishly.

"He's my favorite," Ben admitted. You smiled at him, then got started.

"My dad is an engineer at Caltech, once, I built a mini Death Star in my garage, and I love unicorns."

"You built a mini Death Star in your garage," Mallory and Grace guessed at the same time. You and Ben shook your heads.

"You love unicorns," Ben said with calm confidence. You grinned at him.

"That's it," you said. "How'd you guess?"

"You seem more like a shoot first, Princess Leia kind of girl than a unicorns and rainbows kind of girl." You smiled at him. Mallory frowned at you.

"How'd you build a mini Death Star in your garage," she asked.

"Legos," you answered.

*Time skip to the end of the day*

"Bye, Mallory, bye, Grace, bye Ben," you called. "See you tomorrow!" You hurried to meet Howard. He caught you in a big hug.

"Hey, Solo! Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah," you said.

"Did you make friends?"

"Yeah! Three." Howard grinned.

"That's great, (Y/N)!" You smiled at Howard. You couldn't wait to go back to school.

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