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Leonard: You woke up to a loud boom two hours after you went to bed. You screamed, and ran into the living room. Leonard and Penny wer sitting on the couch together watching a movie. "Daddy, what is that," you cried.

"It's a thunderstorm, sweetie."

"It's scary," you whimpered. You walked over to Leonard, and climbed into his lap. He hugged you tightly.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). Everything's going to be okay." Penny changed the movie they were watching to (your favorite sci fi or child appropriate movie), and you watched TV with them until you fell asleep on Leonard's lap.

Sheldon: You tiptoed to Sheldon's room. You let out a tiny squeak of fear as a flash of lightning illuminated the hall, and thunder echoed through the apartment. You knocked on Sheldon's door. "Daddy," you whispered as you knocked. "Daddy, are you awake?" The door opened and you took a step back. Sheldon looked at you, confused.

"(Y/N), it's two in the morning. What are you doing up?"

"The storm woke me up. I'm scared, Daddy." Sheldon walked you into the living room and made you hot cocoa just the way you like it. "Thank you, Daddy," you said as you sipped the hot cocoa.

"Would explaining thunderstorms to you make them any less scarier?" You thought about it.

"No," you said. Sheldon sighed.

"Would you like to sleep in my room with me tonight," he asked. You nodded eagerly.

"Yes, please!" You finished your cocoa, and followed Sheldon back to his room. You climbed in Sheldon's bed, and he read you five comic books, then you both fell asleep. Leonard saw you two in the morning, and he took a picture. He posted it on Facebook with the caption, "The cutest thing ever."

Howard: "Daddy, what's going on?"

"The power just went out, (Y/N)."


"It's the thunderstorm."

"I'm scared." You hated thunderstorms. They were loud, and made everything seem different, and not in a good way. Howard turned on a flashlight.

"Come on, (Y/N). I'll read you some comic books." You took Howard's hand and followed him up the stairs, into your bedroom. You climbed into bed while Howard grabbed all his comic books. Mrs. Wolowitz made you hot chocolate and heated up some brisket in the microwave. You ate in bed while Howard read comic books to you, then you fell asleep.

Raj: "Daddy, Daddy, look! There's another one!" You were staring out into the rainy night, your nose pressed to the window in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. Thunder boomed, and you giggled. You watched in awe as lightning lit up the sky, illuminating Pasadena. You loved it. This was the first thunderstorm you could remember.

Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, Raj, and Penny watched you. "I've never seen a kid who loves thunderstorms this much," Howard said.

"Yes," Sheldon agreed. "Isn't it adorable?"

"It's weird," Penny said.

"Yeah," Leonard agreed.

"Minstrels will write songs about her," Sheldon said. He began to hum to himself. Everyone else just rolled their eyes and continued to watch you.

Penny: "(Y/N), come out from under there!" Penny sighed, and walked over to Leonard's apartment. Leonard answered the door.

"Hey, Penny," Leonard said. "What's up?"

"(Y/N) crawled under her bed, and now she won't come out." Penny sighed, and looked back at her apartment, a sad look on her face. "I think she's scared of the thunderstorm."

"Hang on," Leonard said. He went back into the apartment for a few minutes. He came back holding a mug and a plate covered in aluminum foil. 

"What's that," Penny asked.

"Hot cocoa and freshly baked cookies."

"Chocolate chip?"

"Yeah." Leonard and Penny walked over to Penny's apartment. Penny led him to your bedroom. "Hey, (Y/N)," Leonard said softly.

"Hi, Uncle Leonard," you said from under the bed.

"I have cookies and hot cocoa. How about you come out from under there?"

"Did Uncle Sheldon bake them?"

"Yes." You slowly came into view. You pushed yourself out from under the bed, and took the mug from Leonard. You drank the hot cocoa.

"Can we watch Indiana Jones," you asked. Penny smiled at you.

"Sure, sweetie," she said. You beamed, and ran into the living room. Penny smiled at Leonard, and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks. I never would have thought of that."

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