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At least in Sunday's opinion.

When you reached the third date, you and the person you were on the date with were a little past the awkward 'getting to know each other' stage and heading straight to the 'let's see if this can work' stage.

And Sunday truly believed that her and Aaron might be able to work.

He was attractive, tall, they held amazing and deep conversations, he could make her laugh and perhaps the most important trait: Aaron was clearly and utterly single, no fiancee, no girlfriend, no one who could complicate things.

The pair were strolling through the United States Botanic Garden, her arm linked through his, as Sunday continued telling Aaron a story from high school.

"And I fell on my butt in the middle of the cafeteria freshman year. I was so embarrassed." Sunday chuckled a little at the memory.

"I have a worse story. I was... I wanna say thirteen, I tripped up the stairs at this baseball game, right in front of this older girl I had a crush on at the time," Aaron shook his head as Sunday snickered a little.

"She laughed right in my face. I was so hurt." Aaron continued as they walked past an oversized fountain and some cherry blossom trees.

Sunday tried to rifle through her memories to pick a more embarrassing story but when she couldn't, she sighed in defeat, "You win. That sounds painful."

"You don't look like someone who has a lot of awkward stories." Aaron glanced down at her.

"Oh, please. I wish you could've seen me back then. Glasses and so clumsy." Sunday replied then stopped in her tracks, her gaze at the brightly colored pink plumerias and white magnolias to the right of them.

"You like those?" Aaron asked, following her eyes.

"Yeah, they're pretty." Sunday gushed.

Aaron looked around before striding over and plucking a few of each flower right out of the ground.

Sunday watched with a mixture of amusement and slight horror as Aaron brushed most of the dirt off, snapped the roots off and then walked back over to her.

"You are insane." Sunday laughed as she took them from his extended hand, "But thank you."

"Hey! I saw that!" A security guard of Indian descent pointed right at them then began to jog in their direction.

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