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july 28th, 2026
8:19 pm

"I'M SORRY THAT I'M LATE GUYS," Sunday said as she approached the booth that Rafael and Jeanette were sitting at in a local D

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"I'M SORRY THAT I'M LATE GUYS," Sunday said as she approached the booth that Rafael and Jeanette were sitting at in a local D.C Italian restaurant.

The establishment smelled heavily of oregano, red wine and the sound of chatter and laughter was dense everywhere else except the table that her friends were sitting around.

They had been whispering something to each other but the conversation had died down when Rafael had spotted Sunday from the entrance.

Jeanette rolled her eyes and then picked up her wine glass to make the blood like colored wine swirl around the bottom while Rafael gave Sunday a half smile before moving down on his side to make room.

Sunday passed Jeanette a weird look before sitting down next to Rafael, "Traffic was crazy, trying to get to this side of town."

"Traffic?" Rafael questioned, "You didn't take the metro?"

"Uh, no. B.J let me borrow his car." Sunday replied as she picked up a large menu and unfolded it, "I really want chicken parm or maybe a Caesar salad."

"He just let you borrow his car?" Jeanette asked.

"Yeah..." Sunday trailed off and put down the menu, not quite liking the icy tone she was receiving.

Since she had returned back to D.C from Louisville, Jeanette had been frigid, extremely so and Sunday couldn't place why.

Jeanette nodded and then finished the last of her wine and Sunday continued, "Are you good? You've been acting like weird lately."

Jeanette and Rafael made eye contact which caused the man to immediately shake his head, "Don't, Jeanie."

"She asked so it's fair game," Jeanette shrugged as she leaned forward a little and Sunday straightened her posture in response, ready for whatever her best friend was about to say.

"Do you feel bad for what you did? At all?" Jeanette said then pushed some of her dark wavy hair away from her left cheek.

Sunday took a pause then snickered before looking around, "Where is a waiter? I need some wine before I continue this conversation."

Jeanette hooked a finger around the stem of Rafael's still full wine glass and gently pulled it in front of Sunday.

She took a sip without glancing at Rafael then set the wine glass down, "Of course I feel bad."

"Really? Because it doesn't seem like it." Jeanette shot back.

"Jeanie," Rafael warned.

"No, no. Let her speak, I wanna hear this." Sunday interjected, "It doesn't seem like it?"

"No. You haven't apologized to anyone and... You're shameless. The picture, always going there." Jeanette shook her head.

Sunday snickered once more, "You are really something. You really want me to apologize to the bitch who told me that I deserved my father dying? Really, Jeanette? Do you even hear yourself right now? And as for going over there all the time... He's my boyfriend and since I let Noah have my bedroom, I've been sleeping on our hard ass couch."

"What about Aaron?" Jeanette raised one eyebrow.

Sunday licked her bottom lip at that; Jeanette had finally made a point.

"I shouldn't have hurt Aaron. He's a good man. He didn't deserve any of that," Sunday admitted.

"Finally some regret." Jeanette shook her head again causing Sunday to give her a confused stare.

"You want regret? I don't have any." Sunday shot back causing both of her friends to gape at her, "Do I hate the fact that I hurt Aaron? Yes. Do I regret anything that I've done in the past couple of months? No, I don't. I've tried and tried to feel bad about it, I've tried to toss and turn at night about it but truth be told I don't. As sick and as disgusted as that probably makes both of you feel about me, I don't regret getting back together with the only man I've ever truly loved, no matter how it happened."

Jeanette rolled her eyes at her statement which only spurred Sunday on, "And frankly, I don't know why you're so invested in this. It's not like I hurt you."

"Because it seemed like he came back to town and you became this different person. You're better than that. Like why would you let him push you to do that?"

"Push me to-," Sunday laughed, this time the sound was longer than a snicker.

She tried to push her anger down but the more Jeanette spoke, the more an inferno raged inside of Sunday.

She reached for Rafael's glass of wine, finished it and then pushed it to the side.

"You know I'm a grown ass woman right? As in, no one pushed me to do anything. That night in Virginia Beach, I kissed him first. I started all of this. Sorry, if that ruins this warped perception you have of me or whatever the hell is in your head but you need to get over it because this frigid bitch act isn't working."

Jeanette nodded begrudgingly at that, "Wow. Tell me you really feel."

"Okay, ladies. Enough," Rafael glanced between the two incensed women before turning to Sunday, "I think what Jeanie means is that she just wants you to-."

"I don't need you to speak for me," Jeanette interjected without losing the staredown, "I'd rather be a frigid bitch than whatever you've become, home wrecker."

"Jeanette!" Rafael exclaimed.

Sunday rose to her feet, "You need to get your friend, Raf. She's acting fucking crazy."

Then she walked off without a word.

Throughout the ride back to her apartment, Sunday managed to stay furious at the nerve of her best friend.

So much so that she slammed the front door closed, causing her brother to look up from where he was sitting at the kitchen counter.

"You good?" Noah blinked.

"Yep. We're moving out." Sunday said.

"But-." Noah attempted to say but Sunday glared at him.

"But nothing. Start packing."

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