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The two cousins were sitting on a patio outside of a restaurant deep in the heart of D.C, with other patrons of the restaurant seated in front and behind them.

The late afternoon sun was glinting off of the expensive engagement ring sitting on her manicured nails and made Brandon sigh from the topic of conversation.

"Are you insane?" She continued then flipped some straightened black hair off her shoulder, "You must be to kiss someone in the home you share with someone else."

"I don't know what came over me. She was looking... Well, you know how beautiful Sunny is and we haven't been in the same room alone since we broke up and you know how in love we are..." Brandon sighed again then took a sip of the yellow colored beer in his glass.

"Are you gonna tell Kim?" Kylah asked as she speared a piece of shrimp and pasta with her fork and daintily slipped it into her mouth.

Brandon shook his head, "No. It's a one time thing and I'm definitely not leaving Kim for Sunny."

At least I don't think I am.

"You need to tell Kim something. Surely, she's realized that something is off by now, right?"

Brandon shook his head and Kylah widened her eyes as she snagged a fry off of Brandon's plate, "She's so wrapped up in wedding planning that the world could end and she still wouldn't look up from one of her million fucking bridal magazines."

Kylah rubbed her forehead a little, "You just described a woman who's not your fiancee as beautiful and basically told me how you're still in love with her."

Brandon frowned, "I said were. Past tense."

Kylah shook her head, "Uh, no. You said are. Present tense."

Brandon paused, considering his words.

Once he realized that he did indeed use present tense, he rolled his eyes at his own mistake and then waved away her words, "I meant past tense."

"You know you're fucked up for this, right?" Kylah asked.

Brandon furrowed his brows, "I asked you to visit to be on my side not to tell me shit that I already know."

Kylah flicked away her side swept bangs, "I want to but if you're wrong, you're wrong. And you cheated on your fiancee so you're wrong."

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